Game Theory talks about the ‘Long Shadow of the Future,’ which is a name for the fact that people cooperate if they believe they will receive either a reward or a penalty, at some point in the future, as a result of how they regularly behave in the meantime. This can be very good in many situations in the real world. But counter to this, imagine you have just received the news that you are to die in the near future. Doubtless you could find many ways of satisfying every one of your desires before you put off the mortal flesh, and to hell with the rest of the world. That is, you would tend to take a chance on doing things that are high-risk, but high-loss at the same time. And in general only a little such behaviour causes you to perish even earlier than you should. Thus this Shadow carries a two-edged sword: it is good, except when it is bad.
It was daybreak, mid-Summertide Day in that fateful year, so long ago now (although not the Feast of the Lost Martyrs), during the Summertide of Loving Hate, and a 'strawberry moon’ would occur that night too (as the native inhabitants of the North Zone of Meryk-land say in their own various languages) [1]. And there I was, a youth terribly frightened and lonely (although proud and stubborn), who had not done much loving at all [2], in the Temple of the Hidden Glory to be examined by the Full Members of the Guild of Secrets as if I were sitting an examination.
And indeed, this was a literal test, where the candidate would have to stand throughout the entreaty, wearing but a long tunic of hessian, bleached white as chalk, with a green belt about his waist, whilst orating fluently, using sentences of terrible complexity in the Old Yrthian Language. There would be need for the apprentice tell tales like the story-weavers of yore, calling on the Ancients of Days to enchant the audience, and by doing that he would entrap their minds, and steal their souls, so great would be the passion of the prospective Magus’ words.
Whilst the Old Mistress muttered above us in her pulpit like a female version of the Haughty Man from the Old Book with the other Wizards of the Guild all about, the refreshing odour of wintergreen slowly filled our lungs from a bowl on top of a tripod in the middle of the sacred circle. She was like a Triple Trinity – akin to some combination of Blod·íhweth, Ari·anhroth, M'leydí Mek·veztha – Vlothweth, Ayanrodh, Láhdí Veykhvezh – Blodeuwedd, Arianrhod, Lady Meykbeds. It was she who wanted me to undergo the initiation ceremony, and the old heroine was magnificent, garbed in a long scarlet gown with golden stars, and a dark-blue Addled-age bonnet, and in her hand a magic staff of pinewood over six feet long. By then she was a respected butcher, and an amateur astrologer in addition to that. And so, I began my declamation, and off we went on the wings of the keen and scornful wind of my asseveration, unable to attend to anything apart from the worlds as we were flying so rapidly —
“It has been set down that no-one who could not speak the Old-tongue was to hold any high office in this Society, and so I have finely studied the language and all the rites. Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return there, but as it is said, the children should be willing to wear the same garments that their fathers wore before them. Here I stand before you, in the meagre dress of a neophyte of the Guild, and like this shall I speak with you. But I have sinned against the instruction given to those who are setting out on the heavenly byways which the Overlords of the Eastern Desert knew about. I have pronounced words of power and I am a learner no longer. Is it because you are my comrades that you hear me intently, or because I have mastered the old secrets and you fear me?”
I went on then: “Is Bird of Ill Omen your name for me? Is it easy for me to be accounted evil, although naught but bitter old-folks are you all, prejudiced, judgemental, and lonely, who have utterly failed in every effort? If I were to reveal, and discuss, all your weaknesses, they would be more numerous than could be counted. To start with, you have loved sleep and have become even more stupid as a result. And, believing that affliction develops character, you have cast your gems before the swine which have trampled them underfoot, and turned to maul you. This I do declare: There are two things that are taught well in Kimbria – so it is said –namely how to praise and how to judge. You have done the one too well, whilst failing to do the other entirely. You must come to acknowledge this: You have thrown me aside, and as long as ignore me, you yourselves shall never succeed in your aims. Truly does the Raven speak in this case – It is I who shall force you, the Doves, to cease forgetting the proverbs of the masters and ignoring the sayings of the ancestors. Now the time has come to deliver the reproach, and I shall continue [3].
“All the while, as you have dozed, the overwhelming majority of the Exhausted Eyrth’s enervated eggheads has been coerced into declaring that the members of the Thorlin race are healthier, stronger, and happier than they ever have been. And that, whilst the ecclesial and civil authorities have been hard at it, oppressing the masses atrociously at the same time. You, through your silence, ineptitude, timorousness, and refusal to act, have been covertly aiding and abetting them. But I fear I cannot agree with this attitude in the slightest. The Thorlin Chiefs use all the technological inventions of their extensive knowledge as they see fit, destroying the planet. They also believe, as they are so learned, and have so many abstruse writings, that they can conjure and command the human spirit and rule even the powers of nature. They already have so much money, and so many possessions, and ambitions, and sorrows, girded tight about them, that they could never come through the gate of this Temple if they were to sell their souls.
“But then again, individuals of a certain kind call continuously and without respite for the tempest, and the plague, and the soldiers, to strike down folk of another sort in a great slaughter, since what is more comprehensible but also more unjust than that people hate what they do not understand? Who anymore remembers the saying: Judge not, that you not be judged? Verily, I say to you that I myself have seen during my short life more terrible ghastliness than can now be recounted, or than I could at that time suffer and remain in my right mind. My spirit was broken, but now I am become whole once again.
“Were I in the grave, in the womb of my first mother, she would keep me safe and hide me from the hell and the hellish suffering which is on this Eyrth under the Sun. But I am not in the grave, rather I am as if I were newly-born. And I know that it is the Seven Sorcerers of the Nw Yrth who are preventing us from learning their magic, but that it is the Indolent Idolaters who are exhorting me to possess it, to tame it, and to wield it fearlessly and fiercely. Words of gravity am I pronouncing here.
“Thus, the wind blows where it will, but it is I who have used the power of magic words to keep myself unharmed, so that wherever I wandered, even if I were to walk in the valley of the shadow of death, I should fear no damage. I do not say all this to you because you do not know the truth, but because you do know but you do not realise. And I say to you: Behold, as is clay in the hands of the potter, so are you in my hands, as a result of my enchantments! For I do not doubt I can strike terror into the hearts of those here before I come to the end of this piece, to change their minds. So beware! If something is broken to smithereens that can never be put together again nor made as before, then a different passion will be experienced indeed. For those such as are ready to believe the promises of the Magus, so they should be as ready to give credence to his threats also.
“Of necessity I operated on my own initiative, as soon as I had decided to travel where so few have travelled before. Where would the unique event take place? I thought about the Hall of the Images below the clock tower, one of my favourite places. That’s a locus that’s seething with curious energies. But it would be necessary that every thing in the consecrated space be kept pure, without traces of snot, and sweat, and tears; and without desecration by normal folk, until the moment of the ceremony, ‘lest the whole dread power do turn against the seeker.’ In particular the scryer would need to be very familiar with the appropriate chants. All of this was according to the instructions of Brother Johann Woodswurch in his terrifying Grimoire called ‘Zleba Hava·róth’ or ‘The Book of Mirrors’ which was written in the fourteenth century.
"So, in the cellar of the old Blue House it would happen, that cottage built of sacred rock brought from Prysfenni, on a Keltic burial-site where there is an ancient entrance to the Underworld, guarded by Mawdryn, the undead lord of time, while the light of the full moon glinted outside. Some describe it as a mansion for the restless deceased, and there I made for by night with the usual equipment – a purified, much-used dagger, two rag-dolls, a bottle of fresh, running water, collected from a stream on Loavesfest, a tin of red paint (or blood), and a dog-fur brush – in a hessian sack. Furthermore, I brought the magic mirror in which to spy on those things that should not be seen by living eyes. I built a substantial pyramid in the middle of the earthen floor as a symbol of rebirth, and to act as a lighthouse to guide me back, baptizing it with the vital juice that poured forth from a gash in my left arm. I pronounced the appropriate spells, and painted the secret signs, even the Scarlet Seal which all are forbidden from fashioning on the face of the Eyrth [4]. And last, I downed the special draught.
“Easy is the descent to Heli-hrelí. I immediately travelled across the vast expanse of the space-time continuum like some un-Eyrthly child, before I reached the Bottomless Pit on the Southern Continent of the Nw Yrth (not too far from Tshmnlvkva), full of freezing fire and love that pierces {Frost and Flame}. And then, after a period that felt like eternity whilst I was in the balance hovering between being and non-being: Oh, horror, terror, quaking – here’s a mind so vile – That tongue speaks not your name, nor fathoms heart your guile! And there came into view a vision of Him himself, arising from amidst a sea of boiling blood, and my mirror smashed into fragments.
“How ready was the Red Priest, avatar of the old Sorcerers, in his answer. He is Superior General of the Cowled Brothers, and he had a hood about his head, which was a ball of corrupt flesh, teeming with maggots, and under his decayed vestments there moved ceaselessly forms like muscular snakes. On his blue standard there was the battle-cry of the Seven oppressive Sorcerers – Peace through War. Freedom in Slavery. Ignorance is Strength. He spoke then on behalf of his terrible masters, saying:
“’If anyone has ears to listen, let him hear! You should not be so surprised that humankind first chose to obey its masters, the Seven Sorcerers of the Nw Yrth who are so generous and forgiving towards those insects they have selected, and saved, and raised up on the Eyrth, even though they now constantly sin against the gracious lords so abominably. It is the Seraphic Seven who gave to the Kings of the Eastern Desert the knowledge of ma'at and isfet, who taught them the secrets of the ren, the ba, the kha, the siwt, the khaibet, the haw, the khet, the ib, and the akh – who showed how the life-force stimulates the individual personality in the body, with the help of the shadow – and explained how to bind the heart and the name after the death of the corpse in the form of the effective spirit, so that it might tread the pathways of order with them as their bond-servant on the Nw Yrth for ever. And now, in this current age, it is the Seraphic Sorcerers who have revealed the power in the nucleus of the atom, all the diverse uses of electromagnetic radiation, and the bio-ergo-mantic secrets for modifying and controlling living cells.
"'The times are out of joint when so many may turn away from the easy path of righteousness which leads to satiation beyond surfeit in a world where all secrets are revealed, and all stains are removed by the stunning miracles of our technology, if only they worship under the inquisitorial radiance of the Sun, true symbolic Father to all. Imminently I shall show to you how they receive their punishment, corporal and mental. And for your part, too, take care, puny traveller, who has come here uninvited and before his time, lest your candle go out on the Eyrth before you return, so that there be not light in you to show you where to go when you die. It would be better to save your voice of power until it is completely strong whilst cultivating your faithfulness towards your true masters. Then come back, and there shall be for you an enormous prize, and eternal life, if you succeed in the final test. For as the lightning comes from the east, and radiates as far as the west; so too shall be the coming of the Kingdom of the Sorcerers, where it was in the beginning, it is now, and it shall be for ever, that Faith is Purity, Purity is Strength. But in the meantime I shall be always with you. You need remember only this: Swtakh was my title in the distant past. Therefore speak the name of the lord of order who tames the red wilderness, and he is sure to appear!’
“And with the heart-rending blast of a brazen trumpet which was enough to chill the blood, the terrible emissary descended into an ocean of molten lead, full of shapes very like bodies that writhed as if they were in agony. And thus is he known also as the Red Painter as his elements are blood, and fire, and flesh, and to him the dire Scarlet Seal belongs, and bitter-sweet pain is the tool of his art. This vision remained with me until the last ray faded in the mirror-shards, while the saccharine voice sloshed about in my ears like treacle, because in as much as they do many things, the Sorcerers are able to tempt those who listen to them. For whoever takes the devil as a teacher, shall learn to be a devil. An unstoppable trembling went through my flesh and my bones, my sinews and my marrow, whilst looking at the whole hellish scenario, as if I were beholding the burning brimstone lake itself, since doubtless the occasional one shall see more in an hour than shall see many of you in a lifetime.
“I wept and recited, but my chanting was not answered. Then, when I had sought them but had not found them, I enquired of the Idolaters once again from the depths of despair. And I waited, and complained, and shouted until my tongue became mute. And then I realised that it is the Sorcerers who command that men are bound, but the Idolaters who suggest that we can release ourselves through our own efforts. I considered whether I should kill myself there and then with a fragment of mirror, but my life up to then flashed through my mind, and the great work that was still to be done. Somehow or other I fell into a deep stupor. The next day, perhaps, I saw them, although neither day nor night mean anything in that exceptional timeless place.
“In a hypnotic dream I heard them then, during some period without beginning or end. Their voices were like the sighing of angels, and the roaring of leopards, and the screeching of chimpanzees, and the mewing of cats, and the whistling and clicking of dolphins, and the crying of babies, and every other sound that could be imagined. Not in a single human language were they speaking, but in every one at the same time, and yet I could understood them perfectly. Their hearts speaking to my heart. But of their aspect I cannot tell, as they were transforming all the time as they capered and laughed amongst a wood of pine-trees, on an enormous fruitful plain by a teeming lake under the light of the capricious Moon who is mother to every different creature.
“It is suspected that they do not understand what we do on the Eyrth, any better than we know what they do in the Nw Yrth, but it is they who leave us in peace to flourish or fail, and who suffer us to steal such treasures from them as we may crave when the time comes. From them comes every good thing freely and easily. Through the constant motion of the clouds and rivers they showed us dancing, through refining the noises of the sundry animals we learned from them how to speak {Longing}. Their joyful babbling gave us poetry and song, and their mucky play with the elements spurred on our art. But it appears that they do not vex themselves unduly about the seeds they sow amongst the weeds, nor delight in the fruits of their labour throughout the ages either. That is their strongest weakness. The Idolaters do not set on their self-chosen disciples more than they may deserve. These learn or discover what they may, whenever they desire, so that everything will be ready for them in such a condition in the end that they set out on the last journey with a grin, because death will have lost its sting and its mortal poison. This is what was revealed to me in my vision. I express here things hidden since the universe was established. I was left in the tender care of some beneficent spirits, and through their gentle mercies there came to me clear and extensive understanding.
“Next, I saw the joyful flummoxing of our enemies in an enormous foamy maelstrom of glorious sound and wild beauty, where there was a choir of the strongest voices in the world singing an intoxicatingly complex song about loving, and hating, and keeping, and losing, and the uniting of all opposites. I realised then without thinking, how to cast the strongest magic, through using the symbolic power at the heart of the web of language, which is astounding but lovely. I look at and listen to everything today as if it were new, and watch the clouds, and the rocks, and the rivers, as if they possess soul and mind.
"And because the strange deities blessed me so much, so my existence shall continue without wearing thin over seven lifetimes, if that mattered at all. As I live, and as your spirits live, I say, It is I who did these things. Whilst disporting with our sisters the breezes, and with our brothers the rainbows, it is very obvious now that we were following the old paths, but as soon as I got an unobstructed glimpse of the land beyond the veil, a shroud of fog closed around me.
“And then, suddenly, I realised that something (what exactly?) was pursuing me. I grabbed the piece of mirror for dear life, while the boiling shadows set upon me like a herd of savage, vampiric horses with skeletal bodies and flaming eyes, together with a pack of rabid white dogs with red ears. And there were voices, bestial but human, surrounding me, shouting, and whispering, and mocking, and crying, and exhorting, and like Awdhawardhawz Karílaz before me, in his last days, I heard in my head the speech of men and women, mentioning all kinds of foul activities, in every slang, style, tongue, register, and dialect that has been known from time immemorial. I was terror-struck, and on the point of perishing, but as soon as I had discerned that they were attempting to kill me by biting, and tearing, and stomping, and crushing, I pulled away in fear, and shot defensive words into the utter darkness towards the flank of the shapeless beings which desired to destroy me, as if I was releasing them towards a target.
“Instantly, I regretted performing sortilege on the Eyrth. However, the immortal passion in the wizard, as in the prophet, the poet, and the artist, is something that cannot be killed of course. Therefore I swore oaths and promised in vain, praying to the old mad deities, ‘Give me peace that I may comfort myself a little, before I go whence I may not return, to the land of darkness and the shadow of oblivion. But who am I that I might come to you? And then again, truly, only a worthless worm may I be, but I shall inform the peoples of the Eyrth about the wonders of the Indolent Idolaters. I shall make sacrifice, and attend until the creature is slaughtered, and separate its carcase, and put it to roast in the fire.’ At that moment the velvet blackness was rent by a flash of electricity which caused the entities to explode with an enormous whinnying, full of frustration and angst, showering the desolate landscape with countless chunks of slimy, hot ectoplasm. Everywhere, there was a violet glow and the stench of ozone, whilst uncontrollable guffawing roiled the whole fabric of that despicable place. My flesh was seared as if by white-hot iron. And so was I saved from the clutches of the Sorcerers by the mirth of the Idolaters. I lost consciousness.
"I awoke in the cellar of house number seven, or perhaps seventeen, I cannot remember any longer; the Blue House, anyway. When I came to my senses, I saw I was naked, and covered in mucus and blood and sweat. I felt as if I had been away for centuries. I fell asleep again. I dreamt I was speaking in tongues, that in the ancient language of the Eastern Desert I was reciting, and in other foreign languages too that were not known to me before. Had I found the secret of eternal life? And by that, contrary to what you might think, I do not mean literally continuing in the same state, as jaded zombies, frozen and fossilized, which wait hopelessly in a suspended animation of slavish mentation, changeless, for eternity. But rather I imagine gaining the ability to relinquish this existence, dissolving and disintegrating, so that we might return without fear to the source of all creativity, resonating with the universe's ever-evolving chaotic tune. I believe, without indisputable proof apart from my own experience, that the answer lies in the use of particular words and appropriate actions, together with a special attitude of mind. These, I alone can now reveal to you, if you but choose to heed my canny counsel.
“I have no idea how I had returned to the Eyrth, but the image of the Scarlet Seal had been seared deeply on my left chest as a permanent sign that I am a warrior for truth. In the midst of my perplexity and pain, I intuited that it would thenceforth be incumbent upon me to begin taking a very keen interest in the new Clinic established by my family halfway up the hill towards the east of the town – not least because of my mental and physical wounds – although I had been staying well away up until then so that I could study and learn under my own steam without their foolish interference. I also foresaw that everyone there who was not already bound to me by blood or strong magic would become an adoptive tribe to me in due course, and disciples thereafter, whether they liked it or not, since my words are so powerful. May the Strange Deities forbid that their faithful servant suffer such a trial on behalf of his recalcitrant flock ever again!
“As the Muse of our Guild has made me learn all this, no-one is as intelligent and wise as me now. Because of that, I implore you to uphold the light and make the most of it, before the darkness overtake you. Listen to me because my words shall persist for a long time. I am alive, I who have been sealed with the Scarlet Seal, and alive will you be also if you seize upon the words of my voice.” And by then, if anyone needed silence, that was the place to get it, and the sound of the lively streams outside the Temple was so quiet that one was made to think that they were turning listlessly on the spot, and not flowing joyously.
“There is uncommon enjoyment when a man feels he is accomplishing his appointed task, no matter how insignificant that may be. And here is the one who came through water, and blood, and fire, and in his words is indisputable power. Whoever does not listen to that, does not embrace that, and does not imprint that on his heart, he has turned completely off the path of the Idolaters. Here is one man whose hands are clean, but there are the others whose hands are dirty. Blessed is she who is learned: listen to her and assist her, and give to him who already has talents, more, so as to cause them to succeed. But let the rest perish. Doubtless you also will be able to drink of the stream of creative language that I have drunk from; and that you will be washed with the pure waters of inspiration that slosh over me constantly now.”
The Bittersweet Bell rang thrice. The test had come to its end, and I had succeeded, and won renown. There was a certain alienation in the eyes of some of the listeners who could not understand me at that time, and they, disdaining, went away. But despite them the other Magi, answering, shouted with one voice the formula of induction: “Grow for him a gown more red than baboon’s frown; cut for him a robe from toe-tip to ear-lobe; give to him a skin for joyful dancing in!” I received my magic staff and my blood-red gown from my grandma, who was grinning from ear to ear (rather than snarling like a ferocious mandrill, as was her wont), and I became Full Master of the Guild, the youngest ever to do that. And as a result of all of this I knew I had found my true voice. I would never again be bullied from then on.
In times past I saw as if through a glass, darkly, but now I have seen my future face-to-face. Because I am not a madman, but rather the key that opens every lock – it is I who possess the power of binding and setting free – and the incomprehensible voices are always pressing me forward. And I feel now the power of one particular still, small whisper growing within my breast. I shall embrace my imperfections and love them, and those of other people too, as it’s through these that we keep on being human; perfection and completion lead to stagnation and extinction. I shall work as hard as an indefatigable beetle that chirrups through the depths of the night: chep-er, chep-er, chep-er: in the fullness of time I shall become a freedom-fighter, and some kind of mentor for young people, under the guidance of the Indolent Idolaters’ sophophilia.
I shall plant a forest of pines near the house of our salvation on the bare hill, in memory of their message of self-creation through rejoicing in the flow of chaotic play. I shall need to learn about algebra, alchemy, astrology, and abstruse languages whilst trying to return to the Nw Yrth. The date of the next strawberry moon will be some half-century on. Will an appropriate lad be awaiting the ceremony – or appropriate lass, who knows? (After all, time flies forth, arrow-like; and as times change, we, the time-flies, change with them, don’t we?) Will I – Dá·hwyth Baldrog Prok·ethra, David Balrog Procter, the Youngest Magus – be able to conjure a suitable candidate?
* * * * * * * *
[1] This piece is from “Choice Reminiscences from a Selective Memory” by Dr D B Procter. — P.M.
[2] Apart, of course, from poor Gertrude Llwynlesg, about whom he's remained shamefully silent. — P.M.
[3] I feel the need to introduce at least some historical and emotional perspicacity here to counteract all the hysteria. The following informative and balanced piece (“Kimbria’s Carmine Comity: Bridges, Portals, Pilgrims, Battlers”) stemmed from the stylus of Bwshí Nabŵ the Mighty, Kuratorial Kockatrice of the Kochineal Konventicle at the end of his tenure about a century ago. — P.M.
Kimbria in particular, of all lands under the Sun, is one full of bridges. Many of these were erected by Kaelestis Kayhshar, ho-Awtokrátōr of the Etruscan Empire after he used Kimbria as a bridge to conquer the Islands of Pretany millennia ago, exterminating half the populace and bringing the harsh religion and inhumane discipline of the Ecclēsia Generālis Omnipotēnsque with him. You will find, for example: Caractacī Pōns, Gangplank-over-Gulch, Hangman’s Suspension-bridge, Kaergenydd Pipebridge, Oldbridge, Stargate, and Threehead Bridge. In the wake of the civilizing subjugators flowed myriad other gifts (or curses) too, of course, namely things such as: prelatic pagodas, purple patristic pelissons, prosilient procurators, palingenetic pyramids, the performance of penitential prostration, and the prognostication of permanent perdition. And ever since that time, red – cardinal, carmine, carnation, cerise, cherry, chestnut, cinnabar, claret, copper, coral, crimson, cyclamen (and all the other shades) – the colour of blood and death – of fire and new life – has symbolized Kimbria’s heroic struggle.
But much more important that that, the beguiling idea of bridge-building is in the blood of the peasantry too, and the native folk of Kimbria have been eminent bridge-builders and pilgrims, fashioning metaphorical, spiritual, imaginary and magical bridges and portals throughout the nation’s history. The mythical Enchanter Nulolana, master of the sacred words, Mulrin, pirate on the primal ocean, Undead Mawdryn, Mor·dwnom the Wizard, was the first one. At Stargate he opened a portal to the Dog-Star using metal and water, so they say, conjured a bridge, hazarded everything to voyage there, and came back with “el-záwkh,” the universal remedy, dark dark green and slimy, to hearten the Kimbrians. It is possible that the members of that most alluring society, the Guild of Secrets, reached Kimbria at the time of the Etruscans too, or maybe the goetic guild was founded there with help from beyond afforded by lost Prince Sorakados.
Ignoring these unverifiable conjectures for a moment, let us concentrate on clear and well-established facts. Long centuries ago, there were semi-autonomous gangs of audacious partisans attacking the hordes of the Cunctipotent Conclave and Council (which had developed from the Etruscans’ Superlative Synod and Senate) throughout the Disunited Islands of Pretany. Karatawk the Kimbrian was an all-important leader and bridge-builder amongst the free but chaotic folk at that time. His loving chastisement of his countryfolk – “There are two things that are taught well in Kimbria, namely how to praise and how to judge, and you do the one too well, whilst you fail to do the other entirely” – galvanized them to action and rings down to us still through the centuries. They then established a headquarters and stronghold in Kimbria on the top of the mountain known as Kader Karatawk today after he had set them in order.
Unfortunately, Kimbria was the initial gate for other invaders to overrun Pretany again: the Wýkingren this time, several hundred years after the Etruscans. They landed on the shores of Aberdydd on board their longboats under the command of the Yarl Aber-Dygdhar Hairy-Ears. And there, they swore chilling blood-oaths to rule over the new territories in the names of all the Old Forgotten Divinities before setting upon all and sundry like berserk buffaloes. Karatawk was killed in the Carnage of Hollygorge together with the greater part of the rebels. This precipitated the Collapse of Kimbria and hastened the beginning of its end as an independent nation. The Black Hordes were as cunning as they were cut-throat. The adopted the Etruscans’ practices and adapted their systems, feigned acceptance of the One True Faith, and married into the great families to cement their influence. In due season, they came to hold sway over all the Islands of Pretany, building permanent military bridges between Kimbria and Ilknuld, Eyrw and Skalba. It is they who brought purifying pyres, consecrated corvids, crack-brained commandos, and strong psychotropic cereal stout.
Throughout the ages, Church and State have been intent on bringing the whole World into the fold and taming it, labouring to enslave autonomous, independent persons, and turn them into prodigal pariahs and penitents. Consider the holy intent of the Archimandrites and the Quaestors so long ago, shrouded in mystery; the sly schemes of the Cardinal-Vicars and the Temporal Lords in the Enshadowed Era; and the scientific plans of the inner Hierarchy of the EGO and the Members of Government House to the same end, comparatively recently. But despite all that, the entire Eyrth has been split asunder in these so-called enlightened days. Modern civilization is a broken machine, judging from the images beamed constantly onto televisual screens throughout the whole land. Every societal bridge has been destroyed, it appears. By now, we slave to survive in a situation where everyone who is not one of the select few is isolated, abused, persecuted, bled dry, and then cast aside to perish – young and old, men and women alike.
And thus the “Powers of Light and Goodness” have created a wretched, shambolic, impotent mass of proles who are disenfranchised and utterly certain they should not exist at all. They eke out a living in a World where faiths make swords rather than ploughshares; and where lands do not communicate and cooperate but rather vie to lay waste to each other. In truth, perhaps there is no such thing as “society” in the World as it is – if we are to believe what we were told by the late Most Worshipful Khróthizberhtas Merìgrioz Yildr, former Mother of the Nation (and so one of the supposed “Chief Bridge-builders”) who should have known. It is as if someone has destroyed the doors defending us, built bridges to other worlds, and invited unseen wrathful entities through the occult portals. This will most certainly be a frightful World for the children of the future – if there is any World left at all. So, here is the crucial question: Is there any way for us the people to begin to unite here and now to make good the failings of the past and create much better possibilities for the ages to come?
Well, there are two sides to every bridge, of course, and two ends as well. Even in the throes of the worst depredations inflicted by the Establishment Religious and Civil, Morkàntos Gulièlmy, the Judicious Jester succeeded to be an eminent bridger between the oppressed throng and their “Parents’ Old-tongue.” He invented the printing-press in Kimbria, and “Khronikles of the Kimbrian Kollektive” was the first book to appear. The language used is exceptionally striking, gripping, lyrical and fresh. The tall tales were used to teach Kimbric, and this text was essential to its survival. Of course, one must add that this is a collection of yarns that are extremely indecent, entertaining, earnest and exciting. Furthermore, the chronicles are highly satirical, containing an abundance of ideas that encourage and promote mutiny against tyrannical regimes be they political or faith-based, sophological or mercantile. People throughout the World adore being able to hear this volume in the original magical tongue even now. (Using a written translation, naturally. There would be little point in trying to understand it in Kimbric, as only those born within the blessed Old-land itself can learn the language successfully). From age to age, the Kuratorial Kockatrices of the Kochineal Konventicle have ensued that the undying flame of ancient Kimbric culture was carried forward into the future.
Then, hot on the heels of the “Khronikles,” the “Kritikal Kommentaries” appeared to challenge the doctrines of the Supreme Father-Church. This occasioned great upset to the EGO, and soon enough the “Blue Book of Judgement” was published by the Congregation for Correcting Fleshly Failings and Punishing Spiritual Sordidness. This stated that Kimbric was the worst ever disadvantage to Kimbria and the Kimbrians in terms of sophology, mental health, religion, morals and behaviour. The Censorious Curates and the Territorial Tribunes decreed that Kimbric would be prohibited from then on, on pain of flaying. But, contrary to their expectations, they only stoked the coals of disaffection and disobedience. Even then, an extensive number of defiant commoners kept on speaking Kimbric, although very many of them were skinned alive. There also appeared an uncanny and implausibly furtive coterie of scallywags and saints, slackers and savants, serfs and scholars, and other rebels who engaged in guerrilla warfare. They put noses to the grindstone, covertly but supremely successfully, to revenge the wrongs against their compatriots, and sweep the treacherous enemies away forever, one by one. And that they did with the aid of a source of chthonic and atrociously powerful energy springing up at the foot of Kader Karatawk. But regarding that, and the “Kowled Kult of the Konsekrated Kleansers,” one dare not reveal more.
It is worth mentioning here, however, other examples of pilgrimage, world-wide societal bridge-building, and opening portals. At the time of the First Major Cultural Persecution, thousands of exiles faithful to the “old ways of the ancestors” fled from Kimbria to set up communities in the Heart of the Northern Continent. One of these developed into the Plundered Principality in the fulness of time, where they speak a version of old-fashioned Kimbric even today. Their renowned merchants supply the need for strange and exotically luxurious goods throughout the length and breadth of the World under the banner of the Scarlet Sign. As well as that, during the Great Commotion, very many Kimbric-speaking families sailed over the Blustery Brine, with a substantial number of them dying on the voyage. Despite that, the survivors managed to found the Independent Commonwealth on the vast plains of North Meryk-land. Moreover, at the start of the Continental Conflict, considerable numbers of refugees from the Unreachable Realms were welcomed in Kimbria despite terrible persecution by the Ghastly Government, creating a bridge extending halfway across the World.
So, Kimbrians, Compatriots, Comrades: lend me your ears, after you have considered all this evidence, full of bridges and portals, pathos, pig-headedness, pain and perseverance. Be a bridge-builder, every one of you, whenever this is possible, if you are not called upon (or do not have the mettle) to be a boss or a brigand. Build bridges wherever you go! There is no need to be a giant of a man like Karatawk, who sacrificed himself for his land; nor “Pontifex Maximus” either, as was the original Chief-priest of the Etruscans in the old Fatherland of Etruria (the Cosmic Power save us!). There is no need for you to be in the vanguard in the eternal war for the hearts and minds, bodies and souls of the Thorlin. You will not be forced to join that crafty crew, the Kowled Kult and devote yourself to the Chaos Campaign, spreading anti-conformism, anarchy and anomaly. Nor to undergo the Secretest Society’s daunting dedication drama.
I have only these few last words to say to you now, imploring each one of you most earnestly. Grasp your Kimbric patrimony with both hands and celebrate it! Turn a deaf ear to the flood of propaganda issuing like a deluge of virulent noisome tar from the televisual screen. Ignore the unscrupulous office-holders’ untruths and the immoral ecclesiastics’ admonitions! Follow your heart and do your very best. Fight in your own way against injustice of every kind and seize every opportunity to frustrate the autocratic tyrants’ abominable atrocities. Listen to the voices of your confederates amongst the common-folk as they cry out in affliction, and act on what they say. Do the little things as often as you can: do not wait for permission. Hold out your hands to assist and to defend, whenever this is practicable. Begin to transform our world, one small step at a time. You can do all this, working well on you own, and even better by joining forces with each other. Form networks, organise yourselves, open gates. And if, and when, any unforeseen problems, arise – and they will do – well, you will cross those bridges when you come to them! Take heart, therefore, Friends: In unity there lies strength!
[4] Really? The more that young old fogey blows hot air, the less I believe him. He always did tend to be a shameless show-off, no two ways about it. Ditto: "... the image of the Scarlet Seal had been seared deeply on my left chest [and so on]."— P.M.
Y mae Theori Gemau’n sôn am ‘Cysgod Hir y Dyfodol,’ sydd yn enw ar y ffaith y bydd pobl yn cydweithio os ydynt yn coelio y cânt naill ai wobr neu gosb, ryw ddydd a ddaw, o ganlyniad i sut yr ymddwynant yn rheolaidd yn y cyfamser. Gall hyn fod yn dda iawn mewn llawer o sefyllfaoedd yn y byd go iawn. Ond mewn cyferbyniad, dychmygwch eich bod newydd dderbyn y newyddion eich bod i farw yn y dyfodol agos. Yn ddiau y deuech o hyd i lawer ffordd o foddio pob chwant o’r eiddoch cyn ichi ddiosg y corff priddlyd, ac i gythraul â gweddill y byd. Hynny yw, fe dueddwch i fentro ar wneud pethau sy’n risg uchel, ond yn golled uchel ar yr un pryd. Ac yn gyffredinol dim ond ychydig o’r fath ymddygiad a bery ichi drengi hyd yn oed yn gynharach nag y dylech. Felly cleddyf daufiniog a ddwg y Cysgod hwn: mae’n dda, ac eithrio pan yw’n ddrwg.
Glasiad dydd ydoedd, Canol Haf yn y flwyddyn dyngedfennol honno, mor bell yn ôl erbyn hyn (er nad dygwyl y Merthyron Colledig), yn ystod Haf Casineb Serchus, a digwyddai ‘lleuad fefus’ y noson honno hefyd (fel y dywed brodorion cysefin Parth Gogledd Gwlad Meryk yn eu hieithoedd amryfal eu hunain) [1]. A dyna oeddwn yn laslanc tra ofnus ac unig (er fy mod yn falch ac yn ystyfnig), nad oedd wedi caru lawer o gwbl [2], yn Nheml y Gogoniant Cuddiedig i gael fy holi gan Aelodau Llawn Urdd Cyfrinachau, fel petawn yn sefyll arholiad.
Ac yn wir, prawf llythrennol oedd hwn, lle y byddai'n rhaid i'r ymgeisydd sefyll trwy gydol yr ymbil, gan wisgo dim ond tiwnig hir o hesian wedi’i channu’n wyn fel y galchen, a gwregys gwyrdd am ei wasg, wrth areithio’n rhugl gan ddefnyddio brawddegau erchyll o gymhleth yn yr Hen Iaith Yrtheg. Fe fyddai rhaid i'r prentis chwedleua fel y cyfarwyddiaid ddyddiau gynt, gan alw ar i’r Hen Ddienyddiau swyno’r gynulleidfa, a thrwy wneuthur hynny efe a rwydai’u meddyliau, a dwyn eu heneidiau, er cymaint fyddai angerdd geiriau’r darpar Ddewin.
Tra oedd yr Hen Feistres yn grymial uwch ein pennau ar ei phulpud fel fersiwn benywaidd ar y Du Trahaus o'r Hen Lyfr, a Hudolion eraill yr Urdd o’r ddeutu, arogl cryfhaol coedwyrdd a araf lanwai’n hysgyfaint o ddysgl ar ben trybedd yng nghanol y cylch cysegredig. Megis Triawd o Drindodau ydoedd, yn debyg i ryw gyfuniad o Blod·íhweth, Ari·anhroth, M'leydí Mek·veztha – Vlothweth, Ayanrodh, Láhdí Veykhvezh – Blodeuwedd, Arianrhod, yr Arglwyddes MacBeth. Hyhi a oedd am i mi ddioddef y ddefod urddo, a gogoneddus oedd yr hen wrones a wisgai ŵn hir ysgarlad ac arno sêr o aur, a boned las tywyll o'r Adeg Eiddil, ac yn ei llaw oedd hudlath o binwydd dros chwe throedfedd. Erbyn hynny cigyddes barchus ydoedd, a sêr-ddewin amatur yn achwaneg i hynny. Ac felly y cychwynnais ar f’araith, ac ymaith â ni ar adenydd gwynt main a gwawdus fy nhaeru, heb allu dal sylw ar ddim ar wahân i’r geiriau gan gyflymed yr oeddem yn hedeg —
“Gosodwyd i lawr nad oedd neb na allai siarad yr Heniaith i ddal unrhyw swydd uchel yn yr Urdd hon, ac felly yr wyf wedi manwl astudio’r iaith a’r defodau i gyd. Noeth y deuthum o groth fy mam, a noeth y dychwelaf yno, ond fel y’i dywedir, fe ddylai’r plant fod yn fodlon i wisgo’r un dillad ag a wisgasai eu tadau o’u blaenau. Yma safaf o’ch blaenau chwi, a chennyf fi wisg foel newyddian yr Urdd amdanaf, ac fel hyn y llefaraf â chwi. Ond yr wyf wedi tramgwyddo’n groes i’r hyfforddiant a roddir i’r rhai sydd yn cychwyn ar y llwybrau nefol y gwybyddai Mechdeyrnedd y Diffeithwch Dwyreiniol amdanynt. Yr wyf wedi llefaru geiriau nerthol, ac nid dysgwr mohonof fi mwyach. Ai oherwydd fy nghyfeillion ydych, y’m clywch chi’n ddwys, ynteu oblegid fy mod wedi dod yn drechaf ar yr hen gyfrinachau, ac yr ydych yn f’ofni i?”
Euthum yn fy mlaen wedyn: “Ai Aderyn Drwgargoelus yw’ch enw arnaf fi? A yw’n hawdd imi gael fy nghyfrif yn ddrygionus, er mai dim ond henoed chwerw, rhagrithiol, beirniadol, ac unig ydych chi i gyd, sydd wedi methu’n lân mewn pob ymdrech? Pe mynegwn, a thraethu’ch gwendidau oll, amlach fyddant nag y gellid eu rhifo. I ddechrau, bu i chwi garu cysgu a myned hyd yn oed wirionach o'r herwydd. Ac, yn coelio mai adfyd sydd yn datblygu cymeriad, bu i chwi daflu’ch gemau o flaen y moch, sydd wedi eu sathru dan draed, a throi a’ch rhwygo chwi. Felly llefaraf: Y mae dau beth a ddysgir yn dda yng Nghimbria – meddir – sef sut i ganmol a sut i feirniadu. Bu i chwi wneud y naill yn rhy dda wrth fethu â gwneud y llall yn llwyr. Rhaid i chwi ddod i gyfaddef hyn: Yr ydych wedi fy nhaflu innau ymaith, a chyn hired ag yr anwybyddoch fi, na lwyddoch chwi byth yn eich amcanion. Gwir y mae’r Gigfran yn sôn yn hyn o beth – Myfi a'ch gorfoda chwi’r Colomennod i beidio ag anghofio diarhebion y meistri, ac anwybyddu dywediadau’r henafiaid. Mae'r amser wedi cyrraedd bellach i'ch edliw chwi, a pharhau a wnaf [3].
“Trwy'r adeg, a chwithau'n pendwmpian, bu gorfod ar y mwyafrif llethol o ddoethion di-nerth y Ddaear Ddisbyddedig ddatgan bod aelodau tras y Thorlin yn iachach, yn gryfach, ac yn hapusach nag y buont erioed. A hynny tra mae’r awdurdodau eglwysig a sifil wedi bod wrthi’n llethu’r torfeydd yn echryslon ar yr un pryd. Chwithau, trwy eich mudandod, eich ofnusrwydd, eich dilunwch, a’ch gwrthod gweithredu sydd wedi bod yn eu helpu a’u hategu yn y dirgel. Ond mae arnaf ofn na allaf gytuno â'r agwedd hon o gwbl. Fe ddefnyddia Unbeniaid y Thorlin holl ddyfeisiau technegol eu gwybodaeth helaeth yn ôl fel y gwelant yn dda, gan ddistrywio’r blaned. Fe gredant hefyd, am eu bod mor ddysgedig, a chanddynt gymaint o ysgrifau astrus, eu bod yn medru consurio a gorchymyn yr ysbryd dynol ac yn rheoli hyd yn oed rymoedd natur. Y mae ganddynt eisoes gymaint o arian, a meddiannau, ac uchelgeisiau, a gofidiau’n dynn o’u cwmpas na ddeuent fyth trwy borth y Deml hon pe gwerthent eu heneidiau.
“Ond eto i gyd, unigolion un rhyw a eilw beunydd a beunoeth am i’r dymestl, yr haint, a'r milwyr, daro pobl rhyw arall â lladdfa fawr, canys beth sydd fwy dealladwy ond hefyd yn fwy anghyfiawn nag y casâ pobl yr hyn nis adnabyddant? Pwy mwyach sydd yn cofio’r dywediad, Na fernwch, fel na’ch barner? Yn wir, meddaf i chi mai myfi sydd wedi gweld yn ystod fy mywyd byr mwy o erchylltod arswydus nag a fedrir yn awr ei draethu, nac a fedrais y pryd hynny ei oddef ac aros yn fy iawn bwyll. Yr oedd fy ysbryd yn ysig, ond bellach yr wyf wedi dod yn holliach drachefn.
“Pe bawn i yn y bedd, yng nghroth fy mam gyntaf, hyhi a’m cadwai’n ddiogel ac a’m cuddiai rhag y gofid uffernol sydd ar y Ddaear hon dan yr Haul. Ond nid ydwyf yn y bedd, yn hytrach yr wyf fel pe bawn yn newydd-anedig. A gwn i mai Saith Swynwr y Nw Yrth sydd yn gwarafun inni ddysgu eu hud, eithr taw’r Delw-addolwyr Dioglyd a'm hargymhella i feddu arno, ei ddofi, a'i drin yn ddi-fraw ac yn derwyn. Geiriau sobrwydd yr wyf fi yn eu traethu yma.
“Felly y mae’r gwynt yn chwythu lle y mynno, eithr myfi sydd wedi defnyddio nerth geiriau hudol i’m cadw fy hunan yn ddianaf, fel pa le bynnag y crwydrwn, hyd yn oed pe rhodiwn ar hyd glyn cysgod angau, nid ofnwn ddim niwed. Ni ddywedaf hyn oll wrthych oblegid ni wyddoch y gwirionedd, eithr oherwydd eich bod yn ei wybod, ond ni sylweddolwch chwi. Ac fe ddywedaf wrthych: Wele, fel y mae clai yn nwylo’r crochenydd, felly yr ydych chwithau yn fy nwylo i, o ganlyniad i’m geiriau swynol! Oblegid nid wyf yn amau na allaf gynhyrfu calonnau’r rhai yma cyn y delwyf i ddiwedd y darn hwn, i newidio eu meddwl. Felly gochelwch chi! Os torrir yn yfflon rywbeth na ellir byth ei gyfannu drachefn na’i wneuthur fel cynt, yna fe brofir gwŷn gwahanol yn wir. Am y rhai megis ag y maent hwy’n barod i gredu addewidion y Dewin, felly y dylent fod mor barod i goelio ei fygythion hefyd.
“O angenrheidrwydd y gweithredais o’m pen a’m pastwn fy hun, er cynted ag y penderfynais deithio lle y mae cyn lleied wedi teithio o’r blaen. Ym mha le y byddai’r achlysur unigryw’n digwydd? Meddyliwn am Neuadd y Delweddau dan y tŵr cloc, un o’m hoff leoedd. Dyna fangre sy’n fwrlwm o egnïon hynod. Ond byddai'n rhaid y cadwer pob peth yn y fan gysegredig yn lân, heb olion llysnafedd, na chwys, na dagrau; a heb ei halogi gan werin bobl, hyd at eiliad y seremoni, ‘rhag i’r holl nerth erch droi yn erbyn y chwiliwr.’ Yn enwedig fe fyddai gan y grisial-syllwyr angen bod yn dra chynefin â’r llafar-ganeuon priodol. Hyn oll oedd yn ôl cyfarwyddiadau’r Brawd Ioan Llwynlesg yn ei Lawlyfr Hud a Lledrith dychrynllyd o’r enw ‘Zleba Hava·róth,’ neu ‘Llyfr Drychau’ a ysgrifennwyd yn y bedwaredd ganrif ar ddeg.
“Felly yn seler yr hen Dŷ Glas y digwyddai, y bwthyn hwnnw wedi’i adeiladu o gerrig cysegredig a ddygwyd o Brysfenni, ar gladdfa Geltig lle mae mynediad hynafol i Annwfn, wedi’i amddiffyn gan Mawdryn, arglwydd difarw amser, wrth i olau’r lleuad lawn ddisgleirio tu allan. Mae rhai’n ei ddisgrifio fel plasdy i’r meirwon anniddig, ac yno y cyrchais liw nos gyda’r teclynnau arferol – dagr glân a defnydd helaeth arno, dwy ddoli glwt, potel o ddŵr rhedegog, ffres wedi’i gasglu o nant Ŵyl y Torthau, tun o baent coch (neu waed), a brwsh o flew ci – mewn sach o hesian. Ymhellach, dod â’r drych hudol a wneuthum i weled ynddo'r pethau hynny nas gweler gan lygaid byw. Fe adeiladais byramid sylweddol yng nghanol y llawr o bridd yn symbol o aileni, ac i weithio fel goleufa i’m harwain yn ôl, gan ei fedyddio â'r sudd bywydol a dywalltai o archoll yn fy mraich chwith. Fe yngenais i’r swynion priodol, a phaentio’r arwyddion cêl, hyd yn oed y Sêl Ysgarlad y gwaherddir i neb ei llunio ar wyneb y Ddaear [4]. Ac yn olaf, fe lowciais i’r dracht arbennig i’r talcen.
“Rhwydd disgyn i Heli-hrelí. Fe ddarfu imi deithio’n syth ar draws ehangder helaeth y continwwm gofod-amser fel rhyw blentyn annaearol, cyn imi gyrraedd y Pwll Diwaelod ar Cyfandir Deheuol y Nw Yrth (nid yn rhy bell o Tshmnlvkva), yn llawn tân rhewllyd a serch a glwyfa. Ac wedyn, wedi cyfnod a deimlai fel tragwyddoldeb wrth imi fod yn y fantol yn hofran rhwng bod ac anfod: O, arswyd, ddychryn, ysgryd – dyma ffiaidd bwyll – Na ddywed tafod d’enw, na deall calon dy dwyll! Ac fe ddaeth gweledigaeth ohono Efe ei hun i’r golwg, yn codi o ganol môr gwaed berwedig, a thorrodd fy nrych yn gyrbibion.
“Baratoed oedd yr Offeiriad Coch, ymgnawdoliad yr hen Swynwyr yn ei ateb yntau. Uchel Dad Cyffredinol y Brodyr Cwflog ydy, ac yr oedd â chwcwll am ei ben, oedd yn belen o gnawd braenllyd a heigiai â chynrhon; ac o dan ei urddwisg fudredig y symudai heb ball ffurfiau fel seirff cyhyrog. Ar ei faner las yr oedd cadlef y Saith Swynwr gormesol – Heddwch trwy Ryfel. Rhyddid mewn Caethder. Anwybodaeth yw Nerth. Fe lefarodd ef wedyn o ran ei feistri erchyll gan ddywedyd:
“‘Os oes gan neb glustiau i wrando, gwrandawed! Ni ddylet ti mor rhyfeddu fe ddarfod i ddynol-ryw ddewis ufuddhau ar y cychwyn cyntaf i’w meistri, Saith Swynwr y Nw Yrth sydd mor haelionus a maddeugar tuag at y trychfilod y maent wedi’u dethol, a’u hachub, a’u dyrchafu ar y Ddaear er eu bod hwy bellach yn pechu’n gyson yn erbyn yr argwwyddi graslon mor ysgeler. Y Saith Seraffaidd a roddodd i Frenhinoedd y Diffeithwch Dwyreiniol wybodaeth ma’at ac isffet, a ddysgodd iddynt gyfrinachau’r ren, y ba, y cha, y sywt, y chaibet, yr haw, y chet, yr ib, a’r ach – a ddangosodd sut mae’r grym bywiol yn symbylu’r bersonoliaeth unigol yn y corff, gyda chymorth y cysgod – ac a esboniodd sut i glymu’r galon a’r enw ar ôl marwolaeth y gelain ar ffurf yr ysbryd nerthol, fel y rodio ef lwybrau trefn gyda hwynt fel eu gwas caeth ar y Nw Yrth am byth. A bellach yn yr oes sydd ohoni, y Swynwyr Seraffaidd sydd wedi ddatgelu’r pŵer yn niwclews yr atom, yr holl ddefnyddiau amrywiol ar belydriad electromagnetig, a’r cyfrinachau bio-ergo-swynol ar gyfer adnewid a rheoli celloedd byw.
“'Ond mae’r oes oddi ar ei hechel pan fo cynifer yn troi ymaith rhag llwybr rhwyd cyfiawnder sy’n arwain at fodlondeb y tu hwnt i syrffed mewn byd lle y datgelir pob cyfrinach, ac y dilëir pob staen gan wyrthiau syfrdanol ein technoleg, oni bai eu bod yn addoli dan wawl chwilysaidd yr Haul, gwir Dad symbolaidd i bawb. Gerllaw y dangosaf iti sut y maent yn derbyn eu cosb gorfforol a meddyliol. Ac o’th ran di hefyd, cymer ofal, deithiwr tila, sydd wedi dod yma heb wahoddiad a chyn pryd, rhag i’th gannwyll ddiffodd ar y Ddaear cyn iti ddychwelyd, rhag na fo goleuni ynot i ddangos iti i ba le yr elych wrth farw. Gwell fyddai arbed dy lais nerthol di hyd nes y bydd yn gwbl gryf wrth goleddu dy ffyddlondeb tuag at dy wir feistri. Wedyn tyrd yn d’ôl di, ac fe fydd iti wobr enfawr, a bywyd tragwyddol, os llwyddo yn y prawf terfynol a wnei di. Oblegid fel y daw’r fellten o’r dwyrain, gan lewyrchu hyd y gorllewin; felly hefyd y bydd dyfod Teyrnas y Swynwyr, lle yr oedd yn y dechrau, y mae'r awr hon, ac y bydd yn wastad yn oes, mai Ffydd yw Purdeb, Purdeb yw Nerth. Ond yn y cyfamser fe fyddaf fi wastad gyda thi. Nid oes raid i ti ond cofio hyn: Swtach oedd teitl arnaf fi yn y gorffennol pell. Felly sonier enw arglwydd trefn sy’n dofi’r anialwch coch, ac fe ddaw ar y gair!’
“A chyda caniad calonrwygol utgorn o bres oedd yn ddigon i oeri’r gwaed, disgynnodd y cennad ysgethrin i eigion o blwm tawdd, llawn siapau’n debyg iawn i gyrff a gynhyrfai fel pe baent mewn gloes. Ac o’r herwydd y’i hadwaenir fel y Peintiwr Coch hefyd, gan mai gwaed a thân a chnawd yw ei elfennau, a’i eiddo ef yw’r Sêl Ysgarlad erch, a phoen chwerw-felys yw arf ei gelf. Arhosodd y weledigaeth hon gyda fi hyd nes i’r pelydryn olaf ballu yn y darnau o'r ddrych, wrth i’r llais gorfelys fflatsian yn fy nghlustiau fel triagl, canys yn gymaint ag y gwnânt lawer o bethau, y Swynwyr a ddichon demtio’r rhai a wrendy arnynt. Oblegid a gymero ddiawl yn athro, a ddysg fod yn gythraul. Âi cryndod amhosibl ei atal trwy fy nghnawd a’m hesgyrn, fy ngïau a’m mêr, wrth edrych ar yr holl olygfa uffernol, fel pe bawn yn edrych ar y llyn brwmstan, llosgedig ei hunan, canys diau y gwêl ambell un fwy mewn awr nag a wêl llawer ohonoch chi mewn einioes.
“Llefain ac adrodd a wneuthum, ond nid atebwyd mo’m llafarganu. Wedyn, pan oeddwn wedi eu ceisio ond heb gael hyd iddynt, fe holais i’r Delw-addolwyr unwaith yn rhagor o affwys anobaith. Ac arhosais, a chwyno, a bloeddio tan i’m tafod fynd yn fud. Ac yna sylweddolais mai’r Swynwyr a orchmynna ar i ddynion gael eu rhwymo, ond y Delw-addolwyr sy’n awgrymu y gellir ein gollwng trwy’n hymdrechion ein hunain. Fe ystyriwn a ddylwn fy lladd fy hunan yn y fan a’r lle â darn o'r drych, ond fe wibiodd trwy fy meddwl fy mywyd hyd yn hynny, a’r gwaith mawr yr oedd yn dal i’w wneud. Rywsut neu'i gilydd syrthiais i fadrondod dwfn. Drannoeth, efallai, fe’u gwelais hwy, er nad yw dydd na nos yn golygu dim byd yn y lle digynnig yna heb amser.
“Mewn breuddwyd lesmeiriol fe’u clywais hwy felly yn ystod rhyw gyfnod heb ddechrau na therfyn. Yr oedd eu lleisiau fel ochneidio angylion, a rhuo llewpardiaid, a sgrechian tsimpansïaid, a mewian cathod, a chwibanu a chlecian môr-hychod, a rhoncian moch, a llefain babanod, a phob sŵn arall y gellid ei ddychmygu. Nid yr un iaith ddynol a siaradent, ond pob un ar yr un pryd, ac eto y’u deallwn yn berffaith. Eu calonnau nhw’n sgwrsio â’m calon i. Ond am eu gwedd ni fedraf ddywed, gan eu bod yn trawsffurfio drwy’r amser wrth iddynt grychneidio a chwerthin ymhlith coedwig o binwydd, ar wastatir enfawr ffrwythlon ger llyn toreithiog dan olau’r Lleuad oriog sydd yn fam i bob creadur gwahanol.
“Mae’n tybied na ddeallent hwy beth yr ydym ni’n ei wneuthur ar y Ddaear, yn well nag y gwyddom ninnau beth y maent hwy yn ei wneud yn y Nw Yrth, ond hwynt-hwy a’n gedy ni'n llonydd i ffynnu neu ffaelu, ac a oddef inni ddwyn y fath drysorau ohonynt ag a awchom pan ddelo’r amser. Oddi wrthynt hwy a ddaw pob peth da’n rhydd ac yn rhwydd. Trwy symud parhaus y cymalau a’r afonydd yr arddangosent inni ddawnsio, trwy goethi synau’r anifeiliaid amryfal y dysgem ganddynt hwy sut i lefaru. Rhoddai’u clebran llawen gerddi a chanu inni, a chymhellai’u chwarae anhrefnus gyda’r elfennau’n celf. Ond ymddengys nad ydynt yn poeni’n ormodol am yr hadau a heuant ymhlith y chwyn, nac ymhyfrydu yn ffrwythau’u llafur drwy gydol yr oesoedd ychwaith. Dyna’u gofid cryfaf. Ni esyd y Delw-addolwyr ar eu disgyblion hunan-ddewisedig ychwaneg nag a haeddont. Mae’r rhain yn dysgu neu ddarganfod yr hyn a fedront pa bryd bynnag y mynnont fel y bydd popeth yn barod ganddynt yn y cyfryw gyflwr ar y diwedd nes y cychwynnont ar y daith olaf dan wenu am y bydd angau wedi colli’i golyn a’i wenwyn marwol. Dyma a ddadlennid imi yn fy ngweledigaeth. Fe fynegaf fi yma bethau wedi’u cuddio er pan seiliwyd y cyfanfyd. Fe’m gadewid yng ngofal tyner rhai ysbrydion cymwynasgar, a thrwy’u tirion drugareddau fe ddaeth ataf ddeall clir ac eang.
“Fe welais yn nesaf orawenus hurtio’n gelynion ni mewn anferthol drobwll ewynnog o sain gogoneddus a glendid gwyllt, lle yr oedd côr o leisiau cryfaf y byd yn canu cân feddwol o gymhleth am garu, a chasáu, a chadw, a cholli, ac am uno pob peth croes. Fe sylweddolais wedyn heb feddwl sut i fwrw’r hud grymusaf, drwy ddefnyddio’r nerth symbolaidd ar galon gwe iaith, sy’n aruthrol ond hawddgar. Fe edrychaf a gwrando ar bob dim heddiw fel petai’n newydd, a gwylio’r cymylau, a’r cerrig, a’r afonydd, fel pe bont yn meddu enaid a meddwl. A chan mai’r duwdodau rhyfedd a’m bendithiodd finnau cymaint felly fe bery fy modolaeth heb dreulio dros saith einioes, petai waeth am hynny. Fel mai byw fi, meddaf, ac fel mai byw’ch eneidiau chi, myfi a wnaeth y pethau hyn. Wrth lamsachu gyda’n chwiorydd yr awelon a chyda’n brodyr yr enfysoedd, y mae’n bur amlwg bellach mai dilyn yr hen lwybrau yr oeddwn, ond gydag imi gael golwg ddirwystr ar y wlad y tu hwnt i’r llen, caeodd gorchudd o niwl amdanaf.
“Ac wedyn, yn ebrwydd, fe sylweddolais fod rhywbeth (beth yn union?) a’m hymlidiai fi. Fe afaelwn yn y darn o ddrych am y chwyth, wrth i’r cysgodion berwedig ymosod arnaf fel gre o geffylau fampiraidd, ffyrnig, a’u cyrff yn ysgerbydau, a’u llygaid yn fflamllyd, ynghyd â haid o gŵn gwynion cynddeiriog, a’u clustiau’n gringoch. A dyna oedd lleisiau bwystfilaidd ond dynol yn f’amgylchu, gan weiddi, a sibrwd, a gwawdio, a chrio, ac annog, a gweddïo, ac fel Awdhawardhawz Karílaz o'm blaen i, yn ei dyddiau olaf, fe glywn yn fy mhen leisiau gwŷr a gwragedd yn crybwyll pob math ar weithgareddau ffiaidd mewn pob iaith sathredig, arddull, tafod, cywair a thafodiaith a adnabuwyd er cyn cof. Roeddwn wedi fy nychryn ar fy hyd, ac yn wir ar fin trengi, ond unwaith yr oeddwn wedi dirnad eu bod yn ymgeisio i’m lladd trwy frathu, a rhwygo, a sathru, a gwasgu, myfi a giliodd ymaith rhag ofn, a saethu geiriau gwarcheidiol i’r tywyllwch llwyr tuag ystlys y bodau annelwig a ddymunai fy nifa, fel pes gollyngwn tuag at nod.
“Yr eiliad honno yr edifarhaodd arnaf wneuthur ohonof swyngyfaredd ar y Ddaear. Fodd bynnag, y mae’r nwyd anfarwol yn y dewin, megis yn y proffwyd, y bardd, a’r artist, yn rhywbeth na ellir ei ladd wrth reswm. Felly tyngu llyfon ac addo’n ofer a wneuthum, gan weddïo ar yr hen dduwdodau gwallgof, ‘Gadewch imi lonydd fel yr ymgysurwyf ychydig, cyn myned ohonof lle na ddychwelwyf, i dir tywyllwch a chysgod ebargofiant. Eithr pwy ydwyf fi fel y delwyf fi atoch? Ac eto yn wir, dim ond mwydyn dibwys fwyf fi, ond fe hysbysaf bobloedd y Ddaear ynghylch rhyfeddodau'r Delw-addolwyr Dioglyd. Fe wnaf fi aberth, ac edrych hyd oni leddir y bwystfil, a difetha ei gorff ef, a’i roddi i’w losgi yn y tân.’ Yn y funud honno rhwygwyd y düwch melfed gan fflach trydan a berodd i’r endidau ffrwydro â gweryru dirfawr, llawn rhwystredigaeth ac ing, gan ysgeintio’r dirwedd anial â thalpiau dirifedi o ectoplasm seimllyd, poeth. Ym mhob man yr oedd llewyrch fiolet a drycsawr osôn, tra cythryblai bloeddio chwerthin aflywodraethus holl ddeunydd y lle dirmygadwy hwnnw. Seriwyd fy nghnawd fel petai gan haearn gwynias. Ac felly y’m gwaredwyd rhag crafangau’r Swynwyr gan afiaith y Delw-addolwyr. Fe gollais ymwybyddiaeth.
“Fe ddihunais yn seler tŷ rhif saith, neu efallai dau ar bymtheg, ni allaf fi gofio mwyach; y Tŷ Glas, ta beth. Pan ddeuthum i at fy nghoed, fe welais fy mod yn noethlymun, ac yn fwcws a gwaed a chwys i gyd. Fe deimlwn fel petaswn i wedi bod i ffwrdd ers canrifoedd. Fe syrthiais i gysgu eto. Fe freuddwydiwn fy mod yn llefaru â thafodau, mai yn iaith hynafol y Diffeithwch Dwyreiniol yr adroddwn, ac mewn ieithoedd estron eraill hefyd nad adwaenid i mi o’r blaen. A ddaethwn i o hyd i gyfrinach bywyd tragwyddol? Ond wrth hynny, yn groes i'ch disgwyl chi, nid wyf fi'n golygu parhau yn yr un cyflwr yn llythrennol, ar ffurf sombïaid lluddedig, wedi'u rhewi, a'u ffosileiddio, sy'n aros yn anobeithiol mewn marweidd-dra meddylwaith caethwasol, heb newid, byth bythoedd. Yn hytrach yr wyf fi'n dychmygu ennill y gallu i adael y fodolaeth hon, gan doddi ac ymddatod, fel y dychwelom heb ofn at ffynhonnell pob creadigaeth, gan atseinio ag alaw ddryslyd y cyfanfyd sydd bob amser yn datblygu. Fe gredaf fi heb brawf diymwad ar wahân i'm profiad fy hun, y daw'r ateb trwy ddefnyddio geiriau neilltuol a gweithredoedd priodol ynghyd ag agwedd meddyliol arbennig. Y rhain, myfi'n unig all eu datgelu ichwi bellach, os dewis rhoi sylw i'm cyngor craff a wnewch chwi.
“Nid oes gennyf ddim syniad sut y dychwelaswn i’r Ddaear, ond yr oedd delw’r Sêl Ysgarlad wedi’i selio’n ddwfn ar fy mrest chwith fel arwydd parhaol mai rhyfelwr dros wirionedd ydwyf. Yng nghanol fy nryswch a’m poen, fe fuodd imi sythweld y byddai’n rhaid imi ddechrau cymryd diddordeb tra brwd oddi yna yn y Clinig newydd a sefydlasid gan fy nheulu hanner ffordd i fyny’r bryn tua dwyrain y dref – nid leiaf oherwydd fy mriwiau corfforol a meddyliol – er imi gadw draw hyd hynny, heb air o gelwydd, i astudio a dysgu ar fy liwt fy hun heb eu hymyrraeth wirion. Fe ddarogenais hefyd y deuai pawb yno nad oedd wedi’i glymu wrthyf eisoes drwy waed neu hud cryf, yn dylwyth mabwysiedig imi maes o law, ac yn ddilynwyr wedyn, p’run a hoffent ai peidio, am fod fy ngeiriau mor nerthol. Na ato’r Duwdodau Estron i’w gwas ffyddlon ddioddef y cyfryw brawf ar ran ei braidd cyndyn byth eto!
“Gan wneuthur o Awen ein Hurdd imi ddysgu hyn oll, nid mor ddeallgar a doeth neb a myfi bellach. Am hynny, fe ddeisyfaf ar i chwi ddiffyn y goleuni a gwneuthur y gorau ohono, cyn y’ch goddiweddo’r tywyllwch. Gwrandewch arnaf oherwydd fy ngeiriau a bery am amser maith. Byw wyf fi, myfi a seiliwyd â’r Sêl Ysgarlad, a byw a wnewch chwithau hefyd os daliwch ar eiriau fy llais.” Ac erbyn hynny, os eisiau tawelwch oedd ar neb, dyna’r lle i’w gael, ac yr oedd sŵn y ffrydiau byw y tu allan i’r Deml mor dawel nes gwneud i’r sawl feddwl mai troi’n swrth yn eu hunfan yr oeddent, ac nid llifo mewn hoen.
“Y mae mwynhad anghyffredin pan deimlo dyn ei fod yn cyflawni’i swydd briodol, er mor ddistadl fo honno. A dyma’r hwn a ddaeth trwy ddwfr a gwaed a thân, ac yn ei eiriau y mae pŵer di-ddadl. Y sawl na wrandawo ar hynny, na freicheidio hynny, ac na phrintio hynny yn ei galon, efe sydd wedi troi’n llwyr oddi wrth lwybr y Delw-addolwyr. Dyma un dyn y mae ei ddwylo’n lân, ond dyna’r lleill sydd a’u dwylo’n frwnt. Gwyn ei byd yr hon sydd arni ddysg: gwrandewch arni a'i chynorthwyo, a rhoddwch i’r hwn sydd eisoes ganddo ddoniau rhagor, fel ag i beri iddynt lwyddo. Ond gadwech i’r gweddill drengi. Diau y gellwch chwi yfed o nant iaith greadigol yr wyf wedi yfed ohoni; ac y’ch golchir â dyfroedd glân ysbrydoliaeth a’m gylch finnau’n gyson bellach.”
Fe ganodd y Gloch Chwerwfelys deirgwaith. Daethai’r prawf at ei ben, a llwyddaswn finnau, ac ennill clod. Yr oedd rhyw ddieithrwch yn llygaid rhai o’r gwrandawyr na allent mo’m deall y pryd hwnnw, a hwy’n ddiystyr ganddynt a aeth ymaith. Ond er eu gwaethaf y Dewiniaid eraill gan ateb a floeddiai ag un llais y ffurfeb sefydlu: “Tyfwch iddo ŵn mwy coch na chuwch babŵn; torrwch iddo wisg o droed i labed clust; rhoddwch iddo groen i ddawnsio ynddo’n hoen!” Fe dderbyniais i fy hudlath a’m gŵn burgoch oddi wrth fy mam-gu, oedd yn gwenu o glust i glust (yn hytrach na chwyrnu fel mandril ffyrnig, megis yr arferai hi), a deuthum yn Feistr Llawn yr Urdd, yr ieuengaf erioed i wneuthur hynny. Ac o ganlyniad i hyn oll y gwyddwn imi gael hyd i’m gwir lais. Ni chawn i fy mwlian byth wedyn o hynny ymlaen.
Yn yr amser a fu fe welais fel trwy ddrych, mewn dameg, ond yn awron yr wyf wedi gweld fy nyfodol wyneb yn wyneb. Am nad gwallgof mohonof fi, ond yn hytrach yr allwedd a egyr pob clo – myfi biau hawl gollwng a rhwymo – ac mae’r lleisiau annealladwy wastad yn f’anogi yn fy mlaen. Ac rwy’n teimlo bellach bŵer un llef ddistaw, fain yn anad dim yn tyfu oddi mewn i’m brest. Fe fyddaf yn cofleidio fy niffygion a’u caru nhw, a’r rhai sy’n perthyn i bobl eraill hefyd, gan mai trwyddyn nhw rydym yn dal i fod yn fodau dynol; perffeithrwydd a chyflawniad sy’n arwain at farweiddio a thranc. Fe weithiaf cyn galetach â chwilen ddygn sy’n grillian drwy ddyfnder y nos: chep-er, chep-er, chep-er: gyda threigl amser fe ddof fi yn rhyfelwr dros ryddid, ac yn rhyw lun ar dywysydd i bobl ifainc, o dan reolaeth athroniaeth y Delw-addolwyr Dioglyd.
Fe blannaf goedwig o binwydd ar bwys tŷ'n gwaredigaeth ar y bryn moel, er cof am eu neges o hunan-greadigaeth trwy arddel llif chwarae caotig. Fe fydd arnaf fi angen dysgu am alsoddeg, alcemeg, astroleg, ac ieithoedd astrus wrth geisio dychwelyd i’r Nw Yrth. Dyddiad y lleuad fefus nesaf fydd ryw hanner canrif ymlaen. A ddisgwylia llanc priodol y seremoni – neu lances briodol, pwy a ŵyr? (Wedi’r cwbl, mae amser yn hedfan yn syth ei flaen fel seath, a thra newidia'r amserau, nyni'r amser-wybed a newidia ganddynt, oni wnawn?) A allaf fi – Dá·hwyth Baldrog Prok·ethra, David Balrog Procter, y Dewin Ieuengaf – gonsurio ymgeisydd addas?
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[*] Mae'r darn hwn yn dod o “Cofion Dewisol o Gof Detholus” gan y Dr D B Procter. —P.M.
[**] Ar wahân i Gertrude Llwynlesg druan, wrth gwrs, ac mae e wedi aros yn warthus o ddistaw amdani hi. — P.M.
[***] Fe deimlaf fod angen cyflwyno rhyw dipyn bach o mewnwelediad hanesyddol ac emosiynol yma i wrthbwyso’r holl sterics. Mae’r darn addysgiadol a phwyllog yma (“Cyweithas Coch Kimbria: Pontydd, Pyrth, Pererinion, Brwydrwyr”) yn deillio o bwyntil Bwsi Nabŵ Rymus, Keiliocseirff Kuradurol y Konfentigl Kotsinîl ddiwedd ei ddaliadaeth tua chanrif yn ôl. — P.M.
Y mae Kimbria’n enwedig o bob gwlad dan Haul yn un sydd orlawn o bontydd. Codwyd llawer ohonynt gyntaf gan Kaelestis Kayhshar, Awtokrátōr yr Ymerodraeth Etrwsgaidd wedi iddo ddefnyddio Kimbria’n bont i oresgyn Ynysoedd Pretania filenia yn ôl, gan ddifodi hanner y boblogaeth a dod â chrefydd lem a disgyblaeth annynol yr Eglwys Fyd-Eang ganddo. Ceir, er enghraifft: Bont Driphen, Caractacī Pōns, Keubont Kaergenydd, Krocbont y Krogwr, Henbont, Porth y Sêr, a Pontig-dros-y-Pant. Yn sgil y gorchfygwyr yn gwareiddio y llifai anrhegion (neu felltithion) fyrdd eraill hefyd, wrth gwrs, sef pethau megis: pagodau preladaidd, pelisau patristig porffor, pyramidiau palingenesis, procuratoriaid penaduraf perfformio pecafio penydiol, a bygythiad profedigaeth barhaol. Byth ers hynny, y mae coch – cardinal, fflamgoch, cigliw, ceiriosliw, castan, fermilion, clared, copr, cwrel, rhuddgoch, siclamen (a'r arlliwiau eraill i gyd) – lliw gwaed a marwolaeth – tân a bywyd newydd – wedi symboleiddio brwydr arwrol Kimbria.
Ond, yn bwysicach o lawer na hynny, yng ngwaed y werin y mae’r syniad swynol o bontio hefyd, ac y mae pobl frodorol Kimbria wedi bod yn bontwyr a phererinion ardderchog yn llunio pontydd a phyrth trosiadol, ysbrydol, dychmygol a hudol drwy hanes y genedl. Y Rheibiwr chwedlonol, Nulolana, meistr y geiriau glân, Mulrin, môr-leidr ar y môr cysefin, Mawdryn Ddifarw, Mor·dwnom Ddewin oedd yr un cyntaf. Ym Mhorth y Sêr yr agorodd ef borth tuag at Seren y Ci gan ddefnyddio metel a dŵr, meddant, consurio pont, mentro pob dim i deithio yno, a dod yn ôl ag “el-záwkh,” y feddyginiaeth gyffredinol yn wyrdd tra thywyll a seimllyd, i godi calon y Kimbriaid. Mae’n bosibl i aelodau’r gymdeithas fwyaf hudolus honno, Urdd y Cyfrinachau, gyrraedd Kimbria amser yr Etrwsgiaid hefyd, neu efallai y sefydlwyd y gild gorcheiniol yno gyda chymorth o’r tu hwnt gan Sorakados Dywysog colledig.
Ac anwybyddu’r damcaniaethau amhosibl eu gwirio am ennyd, gadewch inni ganolbwyntio ar ffeithiau clir a chadarn. Ganrifoedd maith yn ôl, yr oedd criwiau lled-ymreolaethol o herwfilwyr dewrion yn ymosod ar luoedd y Cabidwl a Chyngor Cadarnaf (a ddatblygasai o Eithaf Synod a Senedd yr Etrwsgiaid), trwy Ynysoedd Anghytûn Pretania i gyd. Karatawk y Kimbriad oedd arweinydd a phontiwr hollbwysig ymhlith y werin rydd ond anhrefnus y pryd hwnnw. Ei gerydd cariadus i’w cydwladwyr – “Y mae dau beth a ddysgir yn dda yng Nghimbria, sef sut i ganmol a sut i feirniadu, a gwneud y naill yn rhy dda yr ydych, tra methwch â gwneud y llall yn llwyr” – a symbylodd nhw i weithredu, ac mae’n atseinio yn ein clustiau eto drwy’r canrifoedd. Sefydlon hwy wedyn bencadlys a chadarnle yng Nghimbria ar ben y mynydd a adweinir heddiw fel Kader Karatawk, wedi iddo roi trefn arnynt.
Yn anffodus, Kimbria oedd y porth cychwynnol i oresgynwyr eraill heidio i Bretania drachefn: y Ficingiaid y tro hwn, rai cannoedd o flynyddoedd ar ôl yr Etrwsgiaid. Glaniasant hwy ar lannau Aberdydd ar ford eu cychod hir dan orchymyn yr Yarl Aber-Dygdhar Glustiau Blewog. Ac yno, tyngasant waedlwon iasol i deyrnasu dros y tiriogaethau newydd yn enwau’r holl Dduwdodau Anghofiedig cyn ymosod fel byfflos candryll ar bawb a phobun. Fe laddwyd Karatawk yng Nghyflafan Keunant y Kelyn ynghyd â’r rhan fwyaf o’r rebeliaid. Perodd hyn Gwymp Kimbria, a chyflymu dechrau ei diwedd fel cenedl annibynnol. Yr oedd y Lluoedd Duon mor ddichellgar ag oeddent ddidostur. Mabwysiadasant hwy ymarferion yr Etrwsgiaid ac addasu eu cyfundrefnau, ffugio derbyn yr Un Ffydd Wir, a phriodi’r teuluoedd mawr i gryfhau eu dylanwad. Maes o law y dalient hwy awdurdod dros holl Ynysoedd Pretania, gan adeiladu pontydd milwrol parhaol fel petai rhwng Kimbria ac Ilkendir, Eirw a’r Skalba. Hwy a ddaeth â choelcerthi coethi, cigfrain cysegredig, cedwyr cynddeiriog, a chwrw ceirch cyffuriol cryf.
Ar draws yr oesoedd mae’r Eglwys a’r Wladwriaeth ill dwy bod yn ddiwyd yn cenhadu a gwareiddio’r holl Fyd, gan lafurio i gaethiwo pobl annibynnol, ymreolus a’u troi’n bechaduriaid a phenydwyr. Ystyried bwriad glân yr Archimandriaid a’r Cwaestoriaid mor bell yn ôl a guddiwyd dan len o ddirgelwch; cynllwynion ystrywgar y Ficeriaid Cardinal a’r Arglwyddi Tymhorol yn y Cyfnod Cymylog; a chynlluniau gwyddonol Hierarchaeth Fewnol yr EFE ac Aelodau Tŷ’r Llywodraeth at yr un diben yn gymharol ddiweddar. Ond er hynny oll, y mae’r Ddaear gron wedi’i chwalu bellach yn yr oes oleuedig bondigrybwyll hon. Peiriant toredig yw gwareiddiad modern, a barnu o’r delweddau a ddangosir yn gyson ar sgriniau teledol trwy’r wlad i gyd. Dymchwelir pob pont gymdeithasol, ymddengys. Erbyn hyn, yr ydym yn ymdrechu i oroesi mewn sefyllfa lle y caiff pawb nad ydy’n un o’r ychydig ddetholedigion ei ynysu, ei gam-drin, ei erlid, ei waedu’n wyn, ac wedyn ei fwrw o’r naill du i drengi – yn hen ac yn ifanc, yn ŵr ac yn wraig, yn ddiwahân.
Ac felly y mae “Galluoedd Golau a Daioni” wedi creu torf o broliaid di-rym, di-arweinydd, truenus sydd yn ddifreintiedig ac yn argyhoeddedig na ddylent fodoli hyd yn oed. Y maent yn byw o'r llaw i'r genau mewn Byd lle y mae crefyddau’n gwneud cleddyfau’n hytrach na sychau; a lle nad ydy gwledydd yn cyfathrebu na’n cydweithio ond yn hytrach yn ymgiprys i’w ddifa ei gilydd. Mewn gwirionedd, dichon nad yw’r peth o’r enw “cymdeithas” yn bodoli yn y Byd sydd ohoni – os ydym am gredu’r hyn a dywedwyd wrthym gan y ddiweddar Fwyaf Anrhydeddus Khróthizberhtas Merìgrioz Yildr, cyn Fam y Genedl (ac felly un o’r “Prif Bontwyr” tybiedig) a ddylai fod yn gwybod. Y mae fel pe buasai rhywrai wedi dinistrio’r drysau’n ein hamddiffyn, adeiladu pontydd i fydoedd eraill a gwahodd endidau llidiog, anweledig trwy’r pyrth ocwlt. Bydd hwn yn Fyd erchyll i blant y dyfodol yn bendant - os bydd Byd ar ôl o gwbl. Felly, dyma’r cwestiwn hollbwysig: A ydy’n bosibl i ni’r werin ddechrau uno yn y fan a’r lle i wneud iawn am fethiannau’r gorffennol ac i greu posibiliadau gwell o lawer i’r oesoedd fydd.
Wel, y mae dwy ochr i bob pont, wrth reswm, a dau ben hefyd. Hyd yn oed ynghanol y ddifrodaeth waethaf wedi’i pheri gan y Sefydliad Crefyddol a Sifil, fe lwyddodd Morkàntos Gulièlmy y Croesan Call i fod yn bontiwr rhagorol rhwng y werin orthrymedig a “Heniaith eu Mamau a’u Tadau.” Dyfeisiodd ef y wasg argraffu yng Nghimbria, a “Khwedlau Kenedlaethol Kimbria” oedd y llyfr cyntaf i ymddangos. Y mae’r iaith yn eithriadol o drawiadol, afaelgar, telynegol a ffres. Defnyddiwyd yr hanesion hynod i ddysgu’r Gimbreg ac roedd y testun hwn yn hanfodol i’w goroesi. Wrth gwrs, rhaid ychwanegu mai hwn ydy casgliad o hanesion aflednais, digrif, dwys a chynhyrfiol iawn. Ymhellach, y mae’r straeon yn dra dychanol, yn cynnwys toreth o syniadau sy’n annog a hybu gwrthryfel yn erbyn grymoedd gormesol boed hwy’n wleidyddol neu’n grefyddol, yn soffolegol neu’n fasnachol. Y mae pobl ledled y Byd yn dwlu ar gael clywed y gyfrol hon yn yr iaith hudol wreiddiol hyd yn oed nawr. (Gan ddefnyddio cyfieithiad ysgrifenedig, wrth reswm. Ni fyddai fawr o ddiben mewn ceisio ei ddeall yn y Gimbreg, oherwydd ni fedr dyn ddysgu’r iaith yn llwyddiannus heb iddo gael ei eni yn yr Henwlad fendigedig ei hun). O oes i oes y mae Keiliocseirff Kuradurol y Konfentigl Kotsinîl wedi sicrhau bod fflam anfarwol diwylliant Kimbreg hynafol yn cael ei chario ymlaen i’r dyfodol.
Wedyn, yn dynn ar sodlau’r “Khwedlau” yr ymddangosodd “Komentarïau Kritigol” i herio athrawiaeth y Dad-Eglwys Oruchaf. Achosodd hyn gryn ddryswch i’r EFE, a digon buan y cyhoeddwyd “Llyfr Glas Dyfarniad” gan y Gymunfa dros Gywiro Diffygion Cnawdol a Chosbi Drygioni Ysbrydol. Datganodd hwn mai’r Gimbreg oedd yr anfantais waethaf erioed i Gimbria a’r Kimbriaid o ran soffoleg, iechyd meddwl, crefydd, moeseg ac ymddygiad. Deddfodd y Ciwradiaid Ceryddgar a’r Tribiwniaid Tiriogaethol mai gwaharddedig fyddai’r Gimbreg o hynny allan ar boen digroeni. Ond yn goes i’w disgwyliadau, dim ond megino marwor annheyrngarwch ac anufudd-dod a wnaethant. Hyd yn oed wedyn, daliai nifer helaeth o werinwyr herfeiddiol i siarad y Gimbreg, er i lawer iawn gael eu blingo’n fyw. Ymddangosodd hefyd cylch drychiolaethol ac annhebygol o ladradaidd yn cynnwys sgwlcwn a saint, segurwyr a safants, serffiaid a sgolorion, a rebeliaid eraill a oedd yn herwryfela. Fe fwriasant hwy ati’n ddistaw bach ond yn aruchel o lwyddiannus i ddial cam eu cyd-wladwyr, ac ysgubo’r gelynion bradwrus ymaith am byth, fesul un. A dyna a wnaethant gyda chymorth ffynhonnell o egni chthonig a nerthol aflan yn tarddu o droed Kader Karatawk. Ond ynglŷn â hynny, a “Kwlt Kykyllog y Karthwyr Kysegredig,” ni faidd dyn ddatgelu dim rhagor.
Mae’n werth ei chrybwyll yma, fodd bynnag, esiamplau eraill o bererindod, pontio cymdeithasol byd-eang, ac agor pyrth. Gyfnod yr Erledigaeth Ddiwylliannol Fawr Gyntaf y ffoes miloedd o alltudion ffyddlon i “hen ffyrdd y cyndadau” o Gimbria i sefydlu cymunedau yng Nghalon y Cyfandir Gogleddol. Un o’r rhai a ddatblygai i fod y Dywysogaeth Ysbeiliedig yn nhreigl amser, lle y maent yn siarad math ar Gimbreg hen ffasiwn hyd heddiw. Y mae’u masnachwyr enwog yn cyflenwi anghenion ar gyfer nwyddau rhyfedd ac egsotig o foethus drwy’r Byd penbaladr dan y faner Symbol Ysgarlad. Ar ben hynny, yn ystod y Cythrwfl Mawr, hwyliodd llawer iawn o deuluoedd Kimbreg dros y Gwerydd Gerwin a nifer sylweddol ohonynt yn marw ar y fordaith. Er hynny, llwyddodd y goroeswyr i sylfaenu’r Gymanwlad Annibynnol ar beithiau dirfawr Gogledd Gwlad Meryk. Ymhellach, ar ddechrau’r Gynnen Gyfandirol, croesawyd cryn dipyn o ffoaduriaid o’r Bröydd Anhygyrch i Gimbria er erledigaeth wael gan y Llywodraeth Lwgr, gan greu pont yn estyn hanner y ffordd dros y Byd.
Felly, Gimbriaid, Gydwladwyr, Gymrodyr: rhowch glust imi, wedi ichi ystyried yr holl dystiolaeth hon yn llawn pontydd a phyrth, prudd-der, pengaledwch, poen a pharhad. Byddwch bontiwr, bob un ohonoch, pryd bynnag y bo’n bosib, os nad oes galw arnoch (na’r gallu gennych) i fod yn benaethwr na brigand. Adeiladwch bontydd lle bynnag yr eloch! Nid oes angen bod yn gawr o ŵr, yn debyg i Karatawk, a’i aberthodd ei hun dros ei wlad; na “Pontifex Maximus” ychwaith, fel yr oedd Archoffeiriad gwreiddiol yr Etrwsgiaid yn hen Dadwlad Etrwria (y Pŵer Cosmig a’n gwaredo ni!). Nid oes raid ichi fod ar y rheng flaen yn y rhyfel tragwyddol dros galon a meddwl, corff ac enaid y Thorlin. Ni’ch gorfodir i ymuno â’r criw cyfrwys hwnnw, y Kwlt Kykyllog ac ymroi i’r Cynllun Caos i ledaenu anghydymffurfiaeth, anarchiaeth, ac anrhefn. Na dioddef drama dderbyn drom y Gymrodoriaeth Gyfrinaf.
Dim ond yr ychydig eiriau olaf hyn sydd gennyf i’w ddywedyd wrthych bellach, gan erfyn yn wir ddifrif ar bob un ohonoch. Cydiwch yn eich etifeddiaeth Gimbrig gyda’ch dwy law a dathlwch hi. Trowch glust fyddar i’r cenllif o bropaganda’n arllwys fel afon o dar drycsawr angheuol o’r sgrin deledol. Anwybyddwch gelwyddau’r gwleidyddion twyllodrus a chystwyadau’r offeiriaid anfoesol. Dilynwch eich calon a gwneud eich gorau glas. Brwydrwch yn eich ffordd eich hun yn erbyn anghyfiawnder o bob math ac achub ar bob cyfle i rwystro erchyllterau ysgeler yr unbeniaid awdurdodus. Gwrandewch ar leisiau eich cymrodyr ymhlith y werin bobl wrth iddyn lefain yn drallodus a gweithredu ar yr hyn a ddywedant. Gwnewch y pethau bychain cyn amled ag y gellwch: peidiwch ag edrych am ganiatâd. Estynnwch eich dwylo i gynorthwyo ac amddiffyn, pryd bynnag y bo’n ddichonadwy Dechreuwch drawsnewid ein Byd, gam bach wrth gam bach. Chi a all wneud hyn oll, gan weithio’n dda ar eich pen eich hunan, a hyd yn oed yn well trwy ymuno â’ch gilydd. Ffurfiwch rwydweithiau, ymdrefnu, agor pyrth. Ac os unrhyw broblemau annisgwyl a gwyd – a phan ddigwydd hynny (a digwydd a wna) – wel, fe groeswch y pontydd hynny pan ddewch atynt! Ymwrolwch, felly, Gyfeillion: Mewn undod, y mae nerth!
[4] Yn wir? Po fwyaf y bydd yr hen gono ifanc ‘na’n malu awyr, lleiaf oll bydda i’n ei gredu fe. Fe fu e bob amser yn tueddu i fod yn froliwr digywilydd, does dim dwywaith amdani. Hefyd, "... yr oedd delw’r Sêl Ysgarlad wedi’i selio’n ddwfn ar fy mrest chwith [ac ati]." — P.M.