One theory relating to the fate of the universe predicts the following result. Whilst the cosmos expands eternally towards oblivion, the majority of the types of fundamental particles of matter (that is the fermions) will disappear, leaving only a few of them behind, together with photons of light (which are bosons). In accordance with statistical principles connected with the phenomenon called entropy, everything will at last reach a state named heat death, that is the greatest homogeneity and uniformity of temperature on the part of matter and energy. Because of the constant expansion, the wavelength of the electromagnetic radiation will get longer and longer, redder and redder, as the particles move further away from each other. Needless to say, there will not be a single human being there to watch this eventuality, which will be futile, empty, and lonely, developing in the incredibly distant future. Despite that, however, we must remember that this possibility tells us nothing at all about the vague but exciting situation in the present day. Thus, should we allow such hypothetical musing to steer our thoughts and our behaviours whilst we are still alive, and flourishing, and succeeding in this remote part of the galaxy at least – whilst killing ourselves and the planet which nourishes us at the same time?
* * * * * * * *
“K” is the eleventh letter in the modern Pretanic alphabet (that is, the so-called holy Etruscan alphabet), as well as in the ancient Vrethian abjad, where it also has the sound “kh.” There are Eleven Beasts in the tales carved on the fabled Tablet of Destinies. On top of that, eleven is the number of the seven Kulí·vá, the terrifying demons of the Lowest Underworld, together with the four fundamental forces of nature that they command whilst creating all the magic in the All-World. “K” represents “kethys,” the sheath that is the source of “ktashí,” the creative energy, and home to “kelkes,” the magic-wand which channels “keha,” the ensorcelling power. And “k” is the most important character (and “kh” the most common sound) in the Song of Rebirth of Khepri, the divinity in the form of a scarab who rules from the Mansion of Metempsychosis over the fruitful land of Kúma (“black-land”) by the River Khápí (“river”) in the middle of the Ktashra (“red desert”). That is why the Wizard must call on “Kal·Kathvul Kathaka Kavé,” All the Dazzling Divinities, to strengthen him and guard him as he opens the Doleful Gate, goes through the Virtual Toll-House, crosses the rainbow-coloured Wailing Bridge over the Tearful River, and reaches the World Beyond, if he is to complete the Great Work successfully.
From “Secrets of the Darkest Art”
By Dhv’ra Khl’hra and Hrl’ra Vsh’bha
(The Necromancers Nonpareil)
Behold the Old Solider, the Old Holy Warrior, about to ascend to glory on a cloud of all-consuming self-pity and self-justification! Despite his alleged superior resilience, the old rotter's mind is churning like the insubstantial waters of the Well of Souls due to the disease, the medicine, and the enchantment enswathing the place. He is ruminating on how he has been forced to forswear normal comforts, a settled life, human fellowship, true love, and unambiguous truth, in the pursuit of higher ideals. Having typed his last message, he tries to calm himself and prepare for the conjurations of the Great Work which he will begin in due course by playing a sound-recording of passages from "Concerning the Invocations of Khan·ōkh" —
Kahiko, Kahindo, Kahōʻāliʻi, Kaidara, Kailleach!! To the north I light the sacred fire like that which will devour everything in the last days. I form the Magic Circle and the Artistic Triangle, and inscribe the sigla of the appropriate gods, and about me place a chain, a dagger, and a scourge to purify my desire. In the centre of the sacred space, I set an altar on top of which is the magic-wand to represent my true will, the goblet to represent my understanding, the sword to represent my logical faculty, and the clay dish to represent my material body. Kajamanu, Kajin, Kakasbos, Kakia, Kakka! Upon it too, I place a phial of dense black oil to symbolize my yearnings, and for consecrating the objects so that they will fulfil my intentions; and an oil-lamp to illuminate me on the journey between the Two Worlds. Before me, I open my personal grimoire containing a record of my “kelna,” all the practical and spiritual effects, positive and negative, that I have succeeded (or failed) to produce, written on the “kesha” plane. Kalamainuʻu, Kaletos, Kali, Kalleis, Kalliope!
And then, hypnotized by the sonorous chanting, he dozes fitfully, indulging, or losing himself in gripping but discomfiting visions in which he lectures all the other failed Enchanters:
"Here am I, Lords and Ladies, he he – Yandrim Mek·vatsha Prok·ethra – Jack Procter – floating in the living darkness, blind and frozen still but sweating buckets, with the 'Life Song of the Gloomy Envoys' filling my head in the silence. As I wait for the appointed instant when I'll leave this filthy sphere of being at last, I grin despite the angst, thinking that I owe an explanation, somehow, about what will happen soon, to those of you who've listened to me without judging before now. I am ready to sacrifice my name, my personality, my existence, I who am without voice, choice, and hope, dying from the side-effects of too much loving (and cancer), my heart so bitter. Having succeeded in escaping from the Guild of Secret's artificial henchmen, I'll be waiting for a broadcast from beyond, with the stuff of creation about to gush around me. And then I'll break through and fall headlong into the unknown on the wrong side of the mirror, as the stars explode, if everything goes to plan. I'll have to travel trillions of miles, drifting alone over the unimaginable distance. And in the end, I pray, I should reach the end of my once-in-a-lifetime pilgrimage with my last mortal breath."
Kalokagathia, Kalunga-Ngombé, Kalvis, Kalypso, Kamapuaʻa! I have examined myself so that I can overcome every deficiency and every failing. I have conquered all the taboos and the psychological complexes: rid me of the fear of incompetence. I have silenced all the frustrations and the dislikes: abolish in me worries concerning the judgment of others. Kami, Kaminari-sama, Kamulus, Kamuy-Kuci, Kan-Laon! I have eradicated all the foibles and the blemishes: remove from me the terror of harming others. I have disciplined all loathing and repugnance: erase my dread of acting unconfidently. Aid my efforts so that my essential will shall fly, free of all constraints! Kanaloa, Kanayago-kami, Kanda-Koro-Kamuy, Kandidus, Kanehekili!
“I’m sitting on the edge of a precipice, hanging between the Eyrth and the Nw Yrth, calling on every divinity I can think of to help me on my last journey as I’m afraid I’ve not prepared well enough. I’m an Old Soldier in the guise of a teacher (or vice-versa), and I would be a Wizard too, a man who is destiny’s child, and a hostage to fortune, and not by choice but rather because of the toss of the cosmic dice. But who owns the hand that plays such tricks with my life, with all our lives? You have to ask, of course, whether that, the idea that we’re nothing but pawns in a game of chess, is better than the alternative situation, where we are controlled by physical forces completely beyond our comprehension. It makes no difference about the details to tell the truth, since here I am squirming above an enormous pitch-black void, but, by the Seven Old Masters, I’m not ready to jump yet…
Kangiten, Kanipinikassikueu, Kanisurra, Kannon, Kanola! Whist preparing for the Deadly Journey, I have followed the prescribed diet and fasted on the appropriate days. I have abstained from sexual intercourse, and have cleansed my body assiduously. And in this way, I have eliminated every trace that is unnecessary to the functioning of the Single Thought. Kapo, Karatgurk, Karewit, Kariokekus, Karkinos! I am wearing the breastplate to declare that I am ready to undertake the Great Work; a gown to show that I am standing in the middle of a column of silence and stillness and to allow me to adopt the necessary mindset; and a crown to remind me that I am connected to the Cosmic Power. Karlin, Karman, Karmanor, Karme, Karneo!
“I know that the Seven Seraphic Sorcerers of the Extremely Exalted Empire of the Yrthians visit the sins of the young who do not yet exist upon the aged; and it is the parents who are punished in order to purify the children; and of necessity I accept this conclusion. And so, bearing the yoke of the Eyrth’s sins on my shoulders, I shall become Hthohla, who shall destroy the World in order to begin creating afresh. I shout out, therefore, O Great Kali, who is known as Nuthkí on the Nw Yrth, give me strength! Spasms of pain wash my reason away. A pang like a spear with some bitter dragon’s bile on its tip stabs my side once again, as has been happening so often recently. Like Lushfé am I, in the hands of Swtakh, before he was dismembered and his limbs scattered to the four corners of the Nw Yrth…
Karora, Karpundia, Kartikeya, Karvonia, Karzełek! Like Al·velní, I have spent an age staring at the Squares of Thuhlo and have consulted the Enchanted Discs of Hlothu, drawing lines at random in order to try and square the circle and discover in the shape of the syllables and the letters and in their relative positions, mysteries hidden from the Great Beasts. Kashku, Kasiyembe, Kataragama-Deviyo, Katarwiri, Katee! By recombining the marks, I have formed powerful new symbols, and by considering their order and their relationships, I have discovered their numerological value. By failing constantly but persisting despite that, I myself have climbed the Middle Column of the Forbidden Temple and seized the key that can open every lock. And soon, I shall leap into the abyss and be annihilated by shouting at the top of my voice the wonderful word in the tongue of the oldest serpents, “alve·thlatha.” Katequil, Kathubodua, Katikatona, Katonda, Katoylla!
“But then, a draught of poisonous infusion containing illegal dust, raises me to the zenith of perplexed exultation. Perhaps this can delete every jot of the shell-shock I’ve been suffering from for years. And also, I must get rid of the shade of war-terror, connected with that colossal battle that’s to come, which is supposed to honour our holy faith, safeguard our existence in its purity and original strength, defend our tribe against predators who would destroy us, and uphold our principles in the face of those who would sweep away every concept of justice, correctness, and consistency…
Katurix, Kawa-no-Kami, Kawalakiʻi, Kawas, Kaya-no-Hime! Hear me now! Clear a space for me to become the incarnation of the divine feminine archetype, Vavlané Child of the Scarlet Moon, the Bride of Chaos, the Rider upon the Beast. Feed me so that I shall become magical master of the illusory universe. Kayin-Maunghnama, Kayra, Kaʻōhelo, Kebehut, Kejok! Give me nourishment as I release my true self from this filthy existence. Accompany me as I travel through the formless landscape, the Mauve Marsh, that shall be moulded by my most powerful will. Kek, Kelmis, Ken, Kenas-Unarpe, Kentse!
“I’ve conjured the otherworldly locus according to the recipe, but I do not recognise a speck here as I have not been trained, but instead have stolen the words illegally, or dreamed them up myself. But then again, necessity is the mother of invention, and this knows no law. Oh, everything in this place is as black as a sacrificial stone, and as cold and slippery too, not that there’s anything to be seen clearly, nor heard with complete certainty, but as smooth as a mirror of pure, polished silver, wrapped in a sheet of red silk is the surface of the land where I am waiting...
Kephisso, Keraon, Kerberus, Kercopes, Keres! Behold me chanting the Canticle of Cosmos and Chaos: listen, hear, and shudder! I use every muscle in my mortal body to vibrate the sacred names, imagining the breath from my lungs rushing through the All-World, as intense of a million thunderstorms. Keridwen, Kermait, Kernunnos, Kessair, Kethlenn! Thus, I empty myself in order to connect with every particle in creation, incarnating the macrocosm in the microcosm that is my physical form. Keuthonymos, Kewkwaxa'we, Khaltesh-Anki, Khamlangba, Khamnung-Kikoi-Louonbi!
“Every straight edge, which should be stable, is flexible, and it’s terribly comfortable, in some sense, but here, he who sleeps shall die without a doubt, in the end. This is habitation of Kalpavriksha, the tree which fulfils every wish, and it is governed by Kamadhenu, the cow who lies on a slab of salt, dreaming of a past that has not been, and a future which is not possible either. And here Kalachakra, the time-wheel, is always rotating, and singing its cruel song of eternal return. Oh, what sweet lies are to be experienced by the unwary!...
Khaos, Khariclo, Kharites, Kharon, Khefthernebes! Lo, I perform the Rite of the Ruby Star, drinking the medication that tastes of metal, and painting in the appropriate locations the holy symbols made of paste containing dragon-blood and tiny chippings from the wise rock. Khentamentiu, Khentekhtai, Khentiensat, Khentihehef, Khentihenthau! Thus, I expel from everywhere within me and around me all evil, and get rid of every one of the guardians of the elements and of the spirits of the planets, since all the natural forces are fundamentally impure, in addition to commanding all the hordes of insubstantial entities, and governing every sign, symbol, and charm. Khentikhas, Khentikhetaanes, Khentiqerer, Khepri, Kherty!
"There are pins-and-needles on my skin, as if I were some foetus, obnoxious and irascible, developing fiercely in the womb. And that is because the compound eyes of the beings on a blue and red planet, near a star that was old when our Eyrth was born, are staring into my soul, whilst their feelers tremble in expectation of finding a new servant. Of course, they always want to know what will happen when some fool strives to complete an alchemical rite involving psychedelic drugs, in order to transform his perception. Under the pressure of the ceaseless sparkling, which I cannot see from within the complete darkness, but which I imagine perfectly despite that, I doubt I am worthy, and whimper childishly as a result…
Khesfu, Khione, Khipa, Khiron, Khloris! Here I am, declaring over and over the complex spells to purify my mind and consecrate and bind the objects and the place with the strongest oaths to the express purpose of awakening my intent and expressing my will. Khnemiu, Khnum, Khonsu, Khonvoum, Khoriphaba! And thus, I purify the sacred place, the tools, and myself. In this way, every one of my actions will answer the One Intent, and I shall be able to evoke every force, and power, and energy, as the need arises. Khors, Khronos, Khrysothemis, Khrysus, Khuman-Apokpa!
“There is no cock crowing here in the wilderness between the Two Worlds to measure time, no society to rule with an iron hand over the standards of behaviour that are expected from groups or individuals, nothing at all except the scraping of the shields of chitin hiding the backs of the strange creatures in the Other World which is beyond my reach yet. So, no, no, thrice no: triply I deny those who would restrain me and halt my quest for the spiritual strength and the physical might which are greatly needed to discipline our Turbulent World. Like an invincible hero I set my mind against the accusers, and disavow their judgement! I have prepared myself to face my challenges; I am wearing the heavy robe, stolen from my brother, against the dangers which shall come; and it is a splendid, scarlet gown, containing threads of golden charms plaited by magical spiders…
Kichol, Kicolluis, Kidili, Kigva, Kihawahine! By permitting the macrocosm to drown my consciousness, I succeed in creating an image like a microcosm in the Artistic Triangle. Kiho-Tumu, Kiikala, Kikimora, Kilili, Kilydd! Behold me conjuring all the supporting spirits to materialize around me and serve obediently. Kim-Quy, Kim-un-Kamuy, Kimanaueze, Kimbazi, Kina-sut-Kamuy!
“In order to initiate the ceremony and create a link with the Otherworld, I begin to chant the words of the Amasus Ritual, in reverse order, and backwards – ‘Hatalag, Mitalag’ – whilst everything about me flows into the Bottomless Pit, changing the World entirely. And so, in light of the moon which is by now gleaming as fiercely as molten onyx in the heat of the Nw Yrth’s deepest craters, I search for hidden principles, falling down a rabbit-hole that is also a key-hole. This place teems with uncertainty like a reflection in a shattered mirror, and it is governed by illogical laws, namely that the void contains the seeds of every possibility, that stillness is motion, and that travelling everywhere is equivalent to going no-where...
Kingu, Kini'je, Kinie-Ger, Kinnara, Kiririsha! Here I am praying so fervently in order to become inflamed like an artist, like a poet, like a lover, full of creative madness, whilst elevating my mind. Kirke, Kiruka, Kishar, Kishi, Kisshōten! And so, having submitted to the Highest Purpose, and swept away by the blind forces that are of me and in me, but also totally foreign to me, I yield up the Unreal Self and set free the Mystic Other within the Magic Circle. Kissonia, Kissonius, Kitaka, Kittum, Kitundukutu!
“Come with me, then, on this strange voyage to the Nw Yrth. It will be a journey to fruitful but spectral lands, where live enchanting princesses and imaginary princes. We shall go together to secret kingdoms, overflowing with mesmerism and manna. In this landscape, every craggy mountain sings a tale; every glass-blade whispers secrets; and the babbling brooks themselves carry meaning, if we bother to prick up our ears. In this World, future-memories bear promises; and manufactured reality represents a picture of life, stupendously beautiful, invented by us ourselves. And there I shall cause the Forgotten Deities to collect together, by wielding the words – ‘Ataz, Itaz’…
Kiwanuka, Kladeus, Kleta, Klio, Klitumnus! I lose myself in the performance of the sacred drama. I call on all the most powerful divinities. I identify completely with them and assume the symbolic god-forms. Klota, Klothru, Klutoida, Klytie, Klídna! And now they will coalesce with me in order to possess me and initiate me. Knabetius, Kneph, Koalemos, Kocytus, Kohue!
“There, on the Nw Yrth, the inhabitants fight without rest the war of the powers. At the moment, it is the Seven Seraphic Sorcerers, the lords of justice, who are governing, from within the main ziggurat on the planet’s Southern Continent, waving their splendid, blue banner, whilst enforcing strict laws and iron discipline. Sometimes, on the Eyrth, they come to light in the form of immense, cowled shadows, in ecstatic dreams. And then they tempt mortal souls with sweet words and tasty morsel of ambrosia, and angelic bread, and of heavenly manna. They are collecting together the forces of order, including priests, teachers, soldiers, academicians, and politicians, those who crave to adjudicate on prudence, appropriateness, morality, correctness, and actuality. And we need their help on the Eyrth now more than ever before, in these last days...
Koinchend, Koios, Koiren-Leima, Kokh-Kox, Kokidius! I have given thanks and sought blessing and now here I am preparing the Beautiful Feast according to the Esotericism of the Phoenix. I have transmuted common food and drink, filling bread and blood with divine characteristics so that they are now “hey-ambrosíā” and “to-néktar.” Kokopelli, Kokyangwuti, Kolash, Koliada, Komus! I have taken my fill of them, and now am replete and spiritually intoxicated. In this way, I have put my flesh to be consumed in the fire of oblivion, transforming matter into light and exchanging the earthy for the heavenly. Kon, Konand, Kondatis, Kondole, Koniraya!
“Standing against the Sorcerers are the mercenaries, the opposition forces, the Innumerable Indolent Idolaters, the Ineluctable Unauthoritative Overseers of the Nw Yrth, under the ragged, red standard, in Ampwlish, beyond the Wretched Lake on the World’s Northern Continent. I have learned that the Idolaters insist on excessive tribute but that they render nothing but blotting-out in the end. Because of this, they do not have an extensive number of true disciples except a few shamans, madmen, artists, and magicians, who prance unrepentantly, as it is the Old Masters who shall crown their heads with laurel in oblivion. But they flourish on every drop of disorder, and doubt, the least bit of disobedience and independence feeds them. And now they are multiplying more and more rapidly. And that is why I must work so hard to prevent them...
Konjin, Konohanasakuya-Hime, Konsus, Konthoujam-Tampha-Lairembi, Kontron! I fashion with my active imagination a shining astral body, animate it, exercise it, and discipline it. Konvector, Koox, Kopacati, Kopé-Tiatie-Cac, Korb! I train it to perceive, to comprehend, and to function; defend it with magical weapons and ancient charms; teach it a sense of fear, dignity, and awe; and fill it with all the detailed empirical knowledge in my grimoire so that every action will be sincere and overflowing with understanding and power. As a result, every part of me is glorious, and I am now a divinity in its temple of flesh. Korouhanba, Koruae, Korybantes, Korymbus, Koschei!
“Now, wandering between the Two Worlds is a servant of the Seven Sorcerers called Swtakh. It is he who is the one true powerful spirit amongst the hosts, who invents uncertainty, creates chaos, disperses disorder, whispers rubbish, frolics in filthiness, fans malice’s flames, and gorges on gore. When I look at him, I see an injured youth, the image of revenge, his skin all blistered, and he has horns and goat-hoofs, a prehensile, ginger tail, and totally black eyes like cruel diamonds. He wears ragged military uniform, coloured mottled green, and as he makes his enchantments he handles his infernal implements, namely a serrated carving-knife, sharpened bones, and a cauldron of boiling bile. I have received his support several times up to now, and he has brought instructions on how to open the gate to the Nw Yrth…
Kostroma, Kosuneae, Kosus, Kotan-kar-Kamuy, Kothar-wa-Khasis! So, I gain the gift of astral travel, moving by means of my externalized imagination back and forth, up and down, sideways, and headfirst. And soon I shall cross the River of Remembering and Forgetting, ad float in the Sea of Life and Death. Kotharat, Kotoshironushi, Kotys, Koubru, Koujeng-Leima! My comprehension will be enhanced, and my understanding perfected by partaking in the genius of the ethereal entities swarming within and without, as their tragic singing becomes a constant accompaniment to my thought. Koumbasara, Koumen, Kounu, Koventina, Koyash!
"By reciting the appropriate incantation, written originally in living symbols of fire on the walls of the most ancient temples, and later in the lost Grimoire called ‘For All the Great Gods’ that I have found on my travels, I have forced Swtakh to go hither and thither to unearth information on my behalf. Thus shall I, the Old Soldier – who shall be re-created by Khepri, and guided by Karna, illegitimate son of Kunti, and Kumbhakarna, the monkey-eater – be able to behave like the Lord Krishna who makes love to the whole World. I shall rouse the serpent Kundalini, who lies coiled up in the eternal flames, out of her sleep...
Koyllur, Kratos, Kreiddylad, Kreidhne, Kreios! Lo, I glean and absorb gems of complete and perfect knowledge regarding geomancy, astrology, bibliomancy, prophecy, alien languages, and the most powerful spells; about the four classical elements, about the seven planets of the ancients, about the twelve signs of the Zodiac, and about the twenty-two letters of the Vrethian abjad. Kreirwy, Krepitus, Kresnik, Krishna, Krishnasura! I find the Ever-changing Map of the Two Worlds hanging on the highest branch of the Tree of Life, so that I can plan the journey from the World of Tangible Matter to the Realm of Spiritual Unity. Krodo, Krom-Kruach, Kronos, Krouga, Krougeae!
"As a result, there shall be revealed to me by Shakti and Shiva, the old mysteries of the scabbard and the sword, the lingam and the yoni, the comb and the column; and I shall learn the secrets of the egg and the seed. But I shall need to take care lest I declare the worlds incorrectly, since failure shall mean a fate worse than death. But I shall never fail as I persevere in chanting the words of the Ritual – ‘Atsetop Oe’! And finally, everyone who still lives on the Eyrth shall rejoice, when they have been washed, and cleaned as well, with blood, and tears, and fire…
Krsnik, Kshatra-Vairya, Kshetrapat, Ku'urkil, Kuachag! I shall descend therefore in the terrible chariot with its flaming wheels to the infernal palaces. In the first palace, I shall learn to judge by smelling odours, how to see without eyes, and how to calculate in terms of colours and vibrations. In the second palace, I shall become acquainted with unutterable truths. Kuara, Kubaba, Kubai, Kubikubi, Kudaai! In the third palace, I shall sit whilst all the others stand. In the fourth palace, I shall write on the Parchment of the Knowledge of Evil and Good. In the fifth palace, I shall absorb sacred oracles regarding the fortunes of the All-World. In the sixth palace, I shall be purified in a river of fire, and I shall become forever young. In the seventh palace, I shall stand on the lowest stair of the Accursed Throne. Kudokuten, Kuebiko, Kuhimana, Kuino, Kuinua-Mama!
“And now, I dream that I am an unborn babe, who exists in the form of spotless consciousness clothed with flesh. I am alone, boiling with confusion, in a womb where I am programming the World’s innate calculating system. Next, I awake as some coward slick with blood, who has been thrown abruptly into a hateful forest to be destroyed. And Jack Procter am I, and his pupil Dai Baxter, David – Ivan, and his son Daud – I live not, but I’ve not died either – and again, I’m in the cellar of my cottage and in the ancient tomb of the Wizard, namely the House of Rebirth, full of shadows, too. Because, according to the verse in ‘Secrets of the Darkest Art’ – ‘My soul is now open, to be concealed in the object of my desire. My sacrifice shall be my immortality.’…
Kuitikuiti, Kukunochi, Kukurihime-no-Kami, Kuladevata, Kulhwch! As the Underworld chants the triple litany – “kshathí, khlothé, kchutha” – “bloom, gloom, doom” – I myself shall ascend to the top of the titanic Demonic Throne. There I shall penetrate the Hellish Curtains embroidered with the history of the All-World which separate the Comprehensible Cosmos from the Indescribable Chaos. And then, I shall be transformed into an angelic entity existing in an utterly different order of being beyond life and death. Kulla, Kumakatok, Kuman-Thong, Kumarbi, Kumbhanda! Thus, Mthathro Henohi, Prince of the Great Name and Viceroy of the Seven Darkest Realms shall I be, who shall be honoured, glorious, wondrous, horrific, and terrifying. My sinews and my limbs shall be fire; my bones, flaming coals; my eyebrows, lightning; my eyeballs, torches; my hair, my flesh, and my very essence, flame. And in this way, I shall succeed in communing and communicating with the Unknowable Intelligence before silencing it. Kunapipi, Kuninotokotachi, Kunomaglus, Kuntī, Kupalo!
“By now the Time of Tribulation is on the verge of arriving from the extremities of the void to change our old Eyrth completely, leaving the whole of today’s World behind. And everything shall come to an end in an enormous bonfire; and the whole shall blaze away; and I shall be sealed with the red-hot Scarlet Seal; and the World’s transgressions shall be annulled in a river of blood; and at that time all manner of torture shall begin for those who deserve it. Thus shall existence begin to be, and this being shall start to exist again. And here I shout the final words – ‘Mifares Leiro’ – Old Father of the Sky, O Great, Dark Mother, into your hands I place my spirit! Into the immense, empty void — where softness, compliance, forgiveness, grace shall be replaced by lumen, phosphor, fluor, candle — I —!"
Kupid, Kupra, Kur, Kura, Kuraokami! It is I who shall dive into the mystic ocean of transformation. I who shall despoil the treasure-house of cosmic opposites. I who shall be consumed by eschatological zeal. It is I who shall be the right-hand of the Cosmic Power which ushers in the apocalypse. I who shall melt the whole substance of reality into a white-hot liquid, like marble turning into boiling water. Kurdaitcha, Kuretes, Kus, Kushinadahime, Kushukh! It is I who shall re-arrange the sounds of the Mystic Name which has created and maintained the All-World. I who shall educate creation as I destroy it. I who shall humble the exalted and the insignificant, scourge them with an incandescent whip, and send their spirits with the bewildering collection of unseen beings to suffer perpetually in an eternal flaming prison, with them pleading for mercy which will never come. Kuslanus, Kutka, Kuzuryū, Kuíxīng, Kvasir!
And in the cellar of the cottage, which is more similar, perhaps, to a spectral tower of bone, a sudden glissando of sound erupts, from twenty hertz to twenty-thousand hertz, almost sufficient to burst ear-drums. And there follows the kind of pause described in graphic novels – pregnant postponement – and then – release – unexpected – like a tsunami. And having opened the gate, the Old Soldier prepares himself to invite the Seven Sorcerers to come through using the rest of the Rite of Summoning, including the appropriate words, the usual tools, and all the gestures. He has written his last will and testament. And he is delighted to think that he shall win the final prize in due course, as he drinks the cocktail of drugs, but it’s not an exceptionally fat sblifta of confusticating clatchcreep, and a glass of cool Volahnjé champagne (eleven degrees Celsius is the ideal temperature) to follow it, but something that is a lot less tasteful.
In the names of Kwase-Benefo, Kweku-Tsin, Kwoth, Kyamites, Kybele! Last, I shall summon the Seven Thelohofopu, the Seven Old Masters, the Seven Delkvovim, the Seven Zv-m’lkvu, the Seven Seraphic Sorcerers, the Seven Kulí·vóth. By Kydoimos, Kyirey, Kymidei-Kymeinfoll, Kyrbas, Kyzaghan! I shall bind them, subsume them into one unique holism, and take possession of their ingenuity, their craftiness, their strength, their discipline, their unswerving volition, their mercilessness, and their terribleness, completely, indissolubly, and for evermore! No grace shall there be. No guilt shall there be. No hesitation shall there be. I shall do as I will. It is I who shall fashion the laws. Through my words they shall be enacted – so, through my actions they shall come into force! My Vexatious Voice shall resound through time and space to the ends of the All-World to undo and recreate. May Kāma-Kalā, Kāmohoaliʻi, Kāne, Kōjin, Kū bear witness to this!
Having failed to complete the required sacrifice of two worthless lives in a van-collision the first time, when it was as if they were protected by a magical shield he could not penetrate then despite his strongest efforts, he has had to improvise with respect to several elements of this ceremony. And most creative he's been, without an iota of doubt. He is extremely aware of his myriad failings and all his faults, and it is these facts that have motivated his passionate but rambling oration. But despite his deepest hopes, his strict discipline, and his iron will, for some reason or other he cannot stop imagining himself as his pitiful life almost ebbs away to nothing. There he is, pierced to death with pencils in his eyeballs – and his head’s exploding – and his blood’s bubbling and roiling – and his wasted existence baptizes the site of the Foretold Son’s return. And the unbidden nightmare unfolds in his head, he hears the Vexatious Voice he has accidentally summoned from Beyond which is, and yet is not, part of him, continuing to spin its deceptive, sugared half-truths, and broadcast them through the sticky air, and out into the Wan World.
Mae un theori ynghylch ffawd y cyfanfyd yn darogan y canlyniad canlynol. Wrth i’r bydysawd ymledu’n dragwyddol tuag at ebargofiant, bydd y mwyafrif o’r mathau o ronynnau elfennol o fater (hynny yw, y ffermionau) yn diflannu, gan adael dim ond ychydig ohonynt ar ôl, yn ogystal â ffotonau o olau (sydd yn fosonau). Yn unol ag egwyddorion ystadegol yn gysylltiedig i’r ffenomen o’r enw entropi, bydd popeth yn cyrraedd o’r diwedd gyflwr o’r enw gwastadrwydd gwres, lle ceir y gydrywiaeth fwyaf ac unffurfiaeth tymheredd o ran mater ac egni. Oblegid yr ymlediad cyson, bydd tonfedd y pelydriad electromagnetig yn mynd yn hwy hwy, yn gochach gochach, wrth i’r gronynnau symud yn bellach byth oddi wrth ei gilydd. Ni raid dweud, ni fydd yr un bod dynol yno i wylio’r achlysur hwn, fydd yn ofer, gwag, ac unig, yn datblygu yn y dyfodol pell anhygoel. Serch hynny, fodd bynnag, rhaid inni gofio nad yw’r posibilrwydd hwn yn dweud dim byd o gwbl wrthym am y sefyllfa amhendant ond cynhyrfus yn y byd sydd ohoni. Felly, a ddylem adael i’r fath fyfyrio damcaniaethol liwio ein meddyliau a’n hymddygiad wrth inni ddal i fyw, a ffynnu, a llwyddo yn y gornel anhygyrch hon o’r alaeth o leiaf – wrth inni ladd ein hunain a’r blaned sydd yn ein meithrin ar yr un pryd?
* * * * * * * *
Yr unfed lythyren ar ddeg ydy “k” yn yr abiéc Pretaneg modern (hynny yw, yr wyddor Etrwsgeg lân ys dywedir), yn ogystal ag yn yr abjad Fretheg hynafol, lle’r mae iddi sain “ch” hefyd. Un Bwystfil ar Ddeg sydd yn yr hanesion wedi’u cerfio ar Dabled Tynghedau chwedlonol. Ar ben hynny, un ar ddeg ydy nifer y saith Kulí·vá, cythreuliaid arswydus yr Isfyd Isaf, ynghyd â phedwar grym sylfaenol natur y maent yn eu gorchymyn wrth greu’r holl hudoliaeth yn y Ddau Fyd. Mae “k” yn cynrychioli “kethys,” y wain sydd ffynhonnell “ktashí,” yr egni creadigol, ac yn gartref i “kelkes,” yr hudlath sy’n sianeli “keha,” y grym hudol. Ac “k” yw’r llythyren bwysicaf (ac “ch” y sain fwyaf cyffredin) yn Swyn Aileni Khepri, y duwdod ar ffurf chwilen dom sy’n teyrnasu o Anheddfa Abrediaeth dros wlad ffrwythlon Kúma (“tir du”) ger Afon Khápí (“afon”) yng nghanol y Ktashra (“anialdir coch”). Dyna pam y bydd yn rhaid i’r Dewin alw ar “Kal·Kathvul Kathaka Kavé,” y Duwdodau Disgleirwych Oll, i’w gyfnerthu a’i warchod wrth iddo agor y Porth Galarus, mynd drwy’r Dollfa Rithiol, croesi’r Bont Ddolurus seithliw dros yr Afon Wylofus, a chyrraedd y Byd y Tu Hwnt, os gobeithia ef gyflawni’r Gwaith Mawr yn llwyddiannus.
“Cyfrinachau’r Gelfyddyd Dduaf”
Gan Dhv’ra Khl’hra a Hrl’ra Vsh’bha
(Y Meirwddewinion Mwyaf Mawreddog)
Wele'r Hen Filiwr, yr Hen Ryfelwr Llwyd, ar fin esgyn i ogoniant ar gwmwl hunangyfiawnhad hollddifaol! Er gwaethaf ei wydnwch uwch tybiedig, mae meddwl yr hen goblyn yn corddi fel y dyfroedd yn Ffynnon Eneidiau o achos y clefyd, y moddion, a'r hudoliaeth yn gorchuddio'r lle. Mae'n pendroni dros sut mae wedi'i orfodi i roi'r gorau i gysuron arferol, bywyd llonydd, cyfeillgarwch ddynol, cariad pur, a gwirionedd diamwys, wrth geisio delfrydau uwch. Wedi teipio ei neges derfynol, mae'n ceisio ymdawelu a pharatoi ar gyfer consuriaeth y Gwaith Mawr a ddechreua ef maes o law trwy chwarae recordiad sain dyfyniadau o "Parthed Arddeisyfiadau Khan·ōkh" —
Kahiko, Kahindo, Kahōʻāliʻi, Kaidara, Kailleach!! I’r gogledd rwy’n cynnau’r tân sanctaidd fel hwnnw a ysa bopeth yn y dyddiau olaf. Rwy’n llunio’r Cylch Hudol a’r Triongl Artistig, ac yn arysgrifio sigla’r duwdodau priodol, ac o’m hamgylch ddodi cadwn, dagr, a fflangell i buro fy nymuniad. Yng nghanol y lle sanctaidd rwy’n gosod allor ac ar ei ben yr hudlath i gynrychioli fy ngwir ewyllys, y gobled i gynrychioli fy neall, y cleddyf i gynrychioli fy nghynneddf resymegol, a’r ddysgl o glai i gynrychioli fy nghorff materol. Kajamanu, Kajin, Kakasbos, Kakia, Kakka! Arni hefyd rwy’n rhoi costrel o olew trwchus du i ddelweddu fy nyheadau ac i gysegru’r gwrthrychau er mwyn iddynt gyflenwi fy mwriadau; a lamp oel i’m goleuo ar y daith rhwng y Ddau Fyd. O’m blaen, agoraf fy llyfr hud a lledrith personol yn cynnwys cofnod fy “kelna,” yr holl effeithiau ymarferol ac ysbrydol, yn bositif a negyddol, rwy wedi llwyddo i’w (neu fethu â’u) cynhyrchu, wedi’u hysgrifennu ar wastad “kesha.” Kalamainuʻu, Kaletos, Kali, Kalleis, Kalliope!
Ac wedyn, wedi'i gyfareddu gan y siantio soniarus, dyna fe’n pendwmpian bob yn ail â pheidio, gan ymbleseru, neu ymgolli, mewn gweledigaethau gafaelgar ond anghysurus ble mae'n ei dweud hi wrth yr holl Ledrithwyr aflwyddiannus eraill:
“Dyma fi, Arglwyddi ac Arglwyddesau, he he – Yandrim Mek·vatsha Prok·ethra – Jack Procter – yn arnofio yn y tywyllwch byw, yn ddall ac wedi rhewi hyd at fêr f’esgyrn ond yn chwysu’n stêcs, a 'Cân Fywyd y Cenhadon Dilewyrch' yn llenwi ‘mhen yn y tawelwch. Wrth i fi aros am yr eiliad benodedig pan adawaf fi’r sffêr fudr hon o fod o’r diwedd, dw i’n gwenu’n gam er gwaetha’r ing o feddwl fod arna i esboniad, rywsut, am yr hyn fydd yn digwydd yn fuan, i’r rhai ohonoch chi sy wedi gwrando arna i heb feirniadu cyn hyn. Parod i aberthu fy enw dw i, fy mhersonoliaeth, fy modolaeth, fi sydd heb lais, heb ddewis, heb obaith, ac yn marw o ormod o garu (a chanser) a ‘nghalon mor chwerw. Wedi llwyddo i ddianc rhag cefnogwyr artiffisial Urdd Cyfrinachau, bydda i'n aros am ddarllediad o’r tu hwnt, a deunydd y greadigaeth ar fin ffrydio o ‘nghwmpas. Ac wedyn bydda i’n torri drwyddo a syrthio’n bendramwnwgl i’r anhysbys ar yr ochr chwith i’r drych wrth i’r sêr ffrwydro, os aiff popeth yn iawn. Bydd yn rhaid i fi deithio triliynau o filltiroedd, gan noflithro ar ‘mhen ‘yn hunan dros y pellter annychmygadwy. Ac yn y pendraw, weddïaf, fe ddylwn i gyrraedd terfyn fy mhererindod unwaith mewn oes gyda ‘ngwynt meidrol ola.”
Kalokagathia, Kalunga-Ngombé, Kalvis, Kalypso, Kamapuaʻa! Rwy wedi fy holi fy hun fel y gallaf oresgyn pob diffyg a phob methiant. Rwy wedi concro’r holl dabŵau a’r cymhlethau seicolegol: gwaredwch fi rhag ofn anghymhwystra. Rwy wedi tawelu’r holl rwystredigaethau a’r anhoffterau: diddymwch ynof bryderon ynghylch barn eraill. Kami, Kaminari-sama, Kamulus, Kamuy-Kuci, Kan-Laon! Rwy wedi difodi’r holl fympwyon a’r meflau: codwch ohonof arswyd niweidio eraill. Rwy wedi gwastrodi pob atgasedd a ffieidd-dra: dilëwch fy mraw am weithredu’n anhyderus. Cynorthwywch f’ymdrechion nes yr ehed f’ewyllys hanfodol yn rhydd o bob llestair! Kanaloa, Kanayago-kami, Kanda-Koro-Kamuy, Kandidus, Kanehekili!
“Ar fin dibyn rwy’n eistedd, yn hongian rhwng y Ddaear a’r Nw Yrth, gan alw ar bob duwdod allaf fi feddwl amdano i’m helpu ar fy nhaith olaf gan fy mod yn ofni nad ydw i wedi paratoi’n ddigon da. Hen Filwr yn rhith athro ydw i (neu’r ffordd arall), a Dewin fyddwn i hefyd, dyn sy’n blentyn tynged, a gwystl ffawd, ond nid trwy ddewis ond yn hytrach oherwydd tafliad y disiau cosmig. Ond pwy sy’n perthyn ar y llaw sy’n chwarae’r fath gastiau gyda fy mywyd, gyda’n bywydau ni i gyd? Rhaid holi, wrth reswm, a ydy hynny, y syniad mai dim ond gwerinwyr mewn gêm wyddbwyll ydym, yn well na’r sefyllfa amgen, lle y cawn ni’n rheoli gan rymoedd corfforol yn hollol y tu hwnt i’n dirnad. Does dim gwahaniaeth am y manylion a dweud y gwir, achos mai dyma fi’n gwingo uwchben gwagle enfawr, pygddu, ond, neno’r Saith Hen Feistr, dw i ddim yn barod i neidio eto…
Kangiten, Kanipinikassikueu, Kanisurra, Kannon, Kanola! Wrth baratoi at y Daith Farwol rwy wedi dilyn y diet penodedig ac ymprydio ar y dyddiau priodol. Rwy wedi ymwrthod â chyfathrach rywiol, ac wedi glanhau fy nghorff yn ddiwyd. Ac fel hyn rwy wedi cael gwared ar bob ôl sy’n ddiangen i weithredu’r Un Meddwl. Kapo, Karatgurk, Karewit, Kariokekus, Karkinos! Rwy’n gwisgo amdanaf fronneg i ddatgan fy mod yn barod i ymrwymo â’r Gwaith Mawr; gŵn i ddangos fy mod yn sefyll yng nghanol colofn o dawelwch a llonydd ac i ganiatáu i fi gymryd y cyfeiriad meddwl angenrheidiol; a choron i’m hatgoffa fy mod wedi cysylltu â’r Pŵer Cosmig. Karlin, Karman, Karmanor, Karme, Karneo!
“Fe wn i y bydd Saith Swynwr Seraffaidd Ymerodraeth Dra Dyrchafedig yr Yrthiaid yn ymweld â phechodau’r ifainc nad yw’n bodoli eto ar yr henoed; a’r rhieni, a gosbir er mwyn puro’r plant; ac o reidrwydd rwy’n derbyn y canlyniad hwn. Ac fel hyn, gan gario iau camweddau’r Ddaear ar fy ngwar, Hthohla fyddaf fi, a fydd yn difa’r Byd er mwyn cychwyn creu o’r newydd. Dyma fi’n gweiddi, felly, O Kali Fawr, a adwaenir fel Nuthkí ar y Nw Yrth, rhowch imi nerth! Mae hyrddiau o loes yn golchi fy rheswm ymaith. Dyna wayw’n debyg i waywffon ac ar ei bigyn ryw fustl chwerw draig, yn gwanu f’ochr unwaith eto, fel sydd wedi bod yn digwydd cyn amled yn ddiweddar. Fel Lushfé ydwyf fi, yn nwylo Swtach, cyn iddo yntau gafodd ei ddatgymalu a’i aelodau’u gwasgaru i bedwar ban y Nw Yrth…
Karora, Karpundia, Kartikeya, Karvonia, Karzełek! Fel Al·velní rwy wedi treulio amser maith yn syllu ar Sgwariau Thuhlo ac wedi edrych yn ddwys ar Ddisgiau Hud Hlothu, gan dynnu llinellau ar hap er mwyn ceisio sgwario’r cylch a darganfod yn siâp y sillafau a’r llythyrau ac yn eu lleoliad cymharol ddirgelion wedi’u celu rhag yr Angenfilod Mawr. Kashku, Kasiyembe, Kataragama-Deviyo, Katarwiri, Katee! Trwy ail-gyfuno’r marciau rwy wedi ffurfio symbolau newydd nerthol, a thrwy ystyried eu trefn a’u perthnasau rwy wedi darganfod eu gwerth rhifolegol. Trwy fethu’n gyson ond parhau serch hynny, myfi a ddringodd y Golofn Ganol y Deml Waharddedig a chipio’r allwedd a all agor pob clo. Ac yn fuan, myfi a lama i’r agendor a chael fy nifa trwy floeddio nerth fy mhen y gair rhyfeddol yn iaith y seirff henaf, “alve·thlatha.” Katequil, Kathubodua, Katikatona, Katonda, Katoylla!
“Ond wedyn, dracht o drwyth gwenwynig yn cynnwys llwch anghyfreithlon, fydd yn fy nghodi i anterth gorfoledd ffwndrus. Efallai y gall hyn ddifodi pob gronyn o’r siel-syfrdandod rwy’n dioddef ohono ers blynyddoedd. Ac ar ben hynny bydd rhaid imi gael gwared ar gysgod dychryn rhyfel, a gysylltir â’r gad anferthol honno i ddod, sydd i fod i anrhydeddu’n ffydd lân, gwarchod ein bodolaeth yn ei phurdeb a’i nerth cysefin, amddiffyn ein tylwyth rhag ysglyfaethwyr fyddai’n ein difa ni, ac ategu’n hegwyddorion yn wyneb y rhai fyddai’n ysgubo ymaith bob cysyniad o gyfiawnder, cywirdeb, a chysondeb…
Katurix, Kawa-no-Kami, Kawalakiʻi, Kawas, Kaya-no-Hime! Clywch fi yn awr! Cliriwch le i fi ddod yn ymgorfforiad unigryw archdeip benywaidd dwyfol, Vavlané Blentyn y Lloer Ysgarlad, Priodferch Anhrefn, Marchoges ar y Bwystfil. Bwydwch fi nes i fi ddod yn feistr hudol ar y bydysawd lledrithiol. Kayin-Maunghnama, Kayra, Kaʻōhelo, Kebehut, Kejok! Rhowch faeth i fi wrth i fi ryddhau fy ngwir hunan rhag y fodolaeth fudr hon. Hebryngwch fi wrth i fi deithio drwy’r dirwedd ddi-lun, y Fignen Fof a fowldir pan gân f’ewyllys mwyaf nerthol. Kek, Kelmis, Ken, Kenas-Unarpe, Kentse!
“Rwy wedi consurio’r fangre arallfydol yn unol â’r rysáit, ond nid wyf fi’n adnabod rhithyn yma gan nad ydwyf wedi cael fy hyfforddi, ond yn lle hyn wedi dwyn y geiriau’n anghyfreithlon, ynteu’u dyfeisio nhw. Ond eto i gyd, angen yw mam pob dyfais, a hwn a dyr ddeddf. O, cyn ddued â maen aberthol yw popeth yn y fan hon, ac mor oer a llithrig hefyd, nid bod dim byd i’w weld yn glir, na’i glywed yn gwbl sicr, ond mor llyfn â drych o arian caboledig, pur, wedi’i lapio mewn llen o sidan coch ydy wyneb y tir lle rwyf fi’n aros…
Kephisso, Keraon, Kerberus, Kercopes, Keres! Wele fi’n corganu Cantigl Cosmos a Chaos: gwrandewch, clywch, a chrynwch! Rwy’n defnyddio pob cyhyr yn fy nghorff meidrol i ddirgrynu’r enwau sanctaidd gan ddychmygu’r gwynt o’m hysgyfaint yn rhuthro trwy’r Holl Fyd, mor angerddol â miliwn o stormydd o daranau. Keridwen, Kermait, Kernunnos, Kessair, Kethlenn! Felly rwy’n dihysbyddu fy hunan er mwyn cysylltu â phob gronyn yn y greadigaeth gan ymgnawdoli’r macrocosm yn y microcosm sydd fy ffurf gorfforol. Keuthonymos, Kewkwaxa’we, Khaltesh-Anki, Khamlangba, Khamnung-Kikoi-Louonbi!
“Hyblyg yw pob ymyl syth a ddylai fod yn sad, ac mae’n enbyd o gyfforddus, ar ryw ystyr, ond yma, y sawl sy’n cysgu a fydd yn marw’n ddiamau, yn y pendraw. Dyma annedd Kalpavriksha, y goeden sy’n diwallu pob dymuniad, ac fe’i rheolir gan Kamadhenu, y fuwch sy’n gorwedd ar slab o halen, gan freuddwydio am orffennol na fu, a dyfodol na fydd yn bosibl ychwaith. Ac yma mae Kalachakra, olwyn amser, yn cylchdroi byth a hefyd, a chanu’i chân greulon am ddychwelyd tragwyddol. O, am gelwyddau melys fydd i’w profi gan yr anwyliadwrus!...
Khaos, Khariclo, Kharites, Kharon, Khefthernebes! Wele fi’n perfformio Defod y Seren Ruddem, gan yfed y moddion ar arno flas metel, a phaentio yn y mannau priodol y symbolau glân wedi’u gwneud o bast yn cynnwys gwaed draig a naddion o’r garreg ddoeth. Khentamentiu, Khentekhtai, Khentiensat, Khentihehef, Khentihenthau! Fel hyn rwy’n diarddel o bobman oddi ynof ac o’m hamgylch bob drwg, a chael gwared ar bob un o warchodwyr yr elfennau ac o ysbrydion y planedau am fod y grymoedd naturiol oll sy’n amhûr yn y bôn, yn ogystal â gorchymyn yr holl luoedd o endidau ansylweddol, a rheoli pob arwydd, symbol a swyn. Khentikhas, Khentikhetaanes, Khentiqerer, Khepri, Kherty!
“Mae pinnau bach ar fy nghroen, fel petaswn i’n rhyw ffetws, ffiaidd a ffrom, yn ffyrnig ddatblygu yn y bru. A dyna gan fod llygad cyfansawdd y bodolaethau ar blaned las a choch, ger seren oedd yn hen pan anwyd ein Daear ni, yn rhythu i’m henaid, wrth i’w teimlyddion grynu mewn disgwyliad o gael hyd i was newydd. Wrth gwrs, byddan nhw wastad yn dymuno gwybod beth fydd yn digwydd pan fydd rhyw ynfytyn yn ymdrechu i gyflawni defodau alcemegol yn golygu cyffuriau seicedelig er mwyn trawsffurfio’i ddirnad. Dan bwysau’r pefriad digyffro, nad wyf yn gallu'i weld oddi mewn i’r tywyllwch llwyr, er fy mod yn ei ddychmygu’n berffaith serch hynny, rwy’n amau nad wy’n deilwng, ac yn cwynfan yn blentynnaidd o’r herwydd…
Khesfu, Khione, Khipa, Khiron, Khloris! Dyma fi’n datgan drosodd a thro’r swynganeuon cymhleth i buro fy meddwl a chysegru a rhwymo’r gwrthrychau a’r lle â’r llwon cryfaf at bwrpas unswydd dihuno fy mwriad a mynegi f’ewyllys. Khnemiu, Khnum, Khonsu, Khonvoum, Khoriphaba! Ac felly rwy’n puro’r man sanctaidd, y taclau, a’m hunan. Fel hyn yr etyb pob un o’m gweithredoedd yr Un Diben, ac y gallaf ennyn pob grym, a phŵer, ac egni yn ôl y galw. Khors, Khronos, Khrysothemis, Khrysus, Khuman-Apokpa!
“Nid oes dim ceiliog yn canu yma yn yr anialdir rhwng y Ddau Fyd i fesur amser, dim cymdeithas i reoli â llaw haearn dros safonau ymddygiad a ddisgwylir gan grwpiau nac unigolion, dim byd o gwbl heblaw sgraffinio’r tariannau o gitin yn cuddio cefnau’r creaduriaid rhyfedd yn y Byd Arall sydd y tu hwnt i'm cyrraedd eto. Felly na, na, deirgwaith na: yn driphlyg rwy’n gwadu’r rhai fyddai’n fy rhwystro ac atal f’ymchwil am y nerth ysbrydol a’r grym corfforol sydd eu mawr angen i wastrodi’n Byd Cythryblus ni. Fel arwr anorchfygol rwy’n gosod fy mryd yn erbyn y cyhuddwyr, ac yn diarddel eu barn! Wedi ymbaratoi rwyf fi i wynebu fy heriau; rwy’n gwisgo’r fantell drom, wedi’i dwyn oddi ar fy mrawd, rhag y peryglon a ddaw; a gŵn ysgarlad, ysblennydd ydy, ac ynddo edafedd o swynganeuon euraidd wedi’u cyfrodeddu gan gorynnod hudol…
Kichol, Kicolluis, Kidili, Kigva, Kihawahine! Trwy ganiatáu i’r macrocosm foddi f’ymwybyddiaeth, rwy’n llwyddo i greu ei ddelwedd fel microcosm yn y Triongl Artistig. Kiho-Tumu, Kiikala, Kikimora, Kilili, Kilydd! Wele fi’n consurio’r holl endidau cynorthwyol i ymrithio o’m cwmpas a gwasanaethu’n ufudd. Kim-Quy, Kim-un-Kamuy, Kimanaueze, Kimbazi, Kina-sut-Kamuy!
“Er mwyn cychwyn y seremoni a chreu cyswllt â’r Isfyd, rwy’n dechrau llafarganu geiriau Defod Amasus, yn y drefn wrthol ac o chwith – ‘Hatalag, Mitalag’ – wrth i bopeth o’m gwmpas lifo i’r Pwll Diwaelod gan newid y Byd yn llwyr. Ac felly, yng ngolau’r lleuad sy bellach yn llewyrchu mor danbaid ag onics tawdd yng ngwres craterau dyfnaf y Nw Yrth, rwy’n chwilio am wyddorion cudd, gan syrthio i lawr twll cwningen, sy’n dwll clo hefyd. Mae’r lle hwn yn heigio ag ansicrwydd fel adlewyrchiad mewn drych chwilfriw, ac fe’i rheolir gan ddeddfau afresymegol, sef mai’r gwagle sydd yn cynnwys hadau pob posibilrwydd, mai llonyddwch yw symudiad, ac mai cynradd â mynd i unman yw teithio i bobman…
Kingu, Kini’je, Kinie-Ger, Kinnara, Kiririsha! Dyma fi’n gweddïo mor angerddol er mwyn ymfflamychu fel artist, fel bardd, fel carwr, yn llawn gwallgofrwydd creadigol, dan ddyrchafu fy meddwl. Kirke, Kiruka, Kishar, Kishi, Kisshōten! Ac felly, wedi ymroi i’r Pwrpas Uchaf, ac wedi fy ysgubo ymaith gan y grymoedd deillion sydd ohonof ac ynof ond hefyd yn hollol estron i fi, rwy’n ildio’r Hunan Afreal a rhyddhau’r Arall Cyfrin y tu mewn i’r Cylch Swyn. Kissonia, Kissonius, Kitaka, Kittum, Kitundukutu!
“Dewch gyda fi, felly, ar y fordaith ryfedd hon i’r Nw Yrth. Siwrnai i diroedd toreithiog ond rhithiol fydd hi, lle y mae tywysogesau hudolus a thywysogion dychmygol yn byw. Awn ni gyda’n gilydd i deyrnasoedd dirgel, yn orlawn o fesmeriaeth a manna. Yn y dirwedd hon, pob mynydd ysgithrog sy’n canu chwedl; pob glaswelltyn sy’n sisial cyfrinachau; ac mae’r nentydd baldorddus eu hunain yn dod ag ystyr, os trafferthwn ni glustfeinio. Yn y Byd hwn, mae atgofion o’r dyfodol yn dwyn addewidion; ac mae realiti gwneuthuredig yn cynrychioli llun o fywyd yn syfrdanol o hardd, a ddyfeisir gennym ni’n hunain. Ac yno fe achosaf fi i’r Duwdodau Anghofiedig gasglu ynghyd, trwy drin y geiriau – ‘Ataz, Itaz’…
Kiwanuka, Kladeus, Kleta, Klio, Klitumnus! Rwy’n ymgolli ym mherfformiad y ddrama sanctaidd. Rwy’n galw ar y duwdodau mwyaf nerthol i gyd. Rwy’n uniaethu’n llwyr â hwy a chymryd y ffurfiau dwyfol symbolaidd. Klota, Klothru, Klutoida, Klytie, Klídna! Ac yn awr y byddant yn uno â fi er mwyn fy meddiannu a’m hynydu. Knabetius, Kneph, Koalemos, Kocytus, Kohue!
“Yno, ar y Nw Yrth, mae’r trigolion yn brwydro heb orffwys ryfel y galluoedd. Ar hyn o bryd, y Saith Swynwr Seraffiaid, arglwyddi cyfiawnder, sy’n llywodraethu oddi mewn i’r prif sigwrat ar Gyfandir Deheuol y blaned, gan chwifio eu baner las, ysblennydd, wrth orfodi cyfreithiau llymion a disgyblaeth haearnaidd. Rywbryd, ar y Ddaear, maen nhw’n dod i’r golwg ar ffurf cysgodion aruthrol, cwflog, mewn breuddwydion gorfoleddus. Ac wedyn byddan nhw’n temtio eneidiau meidrol â geiriau croyw a thameidiau blasus o ambrosia, o fara angylion, o fanna nefol. Cynnull grymoedd trefn at ei gilydd y maen nhw, gan gynnwys offeiriaid, athrawon, milwyr, academyddion, a gwleidyddion, y rhai sy’n ysu am ddyfarnu ar briodoldeb, pwyll, moesoldeb, cywirdeb, a dirwedd. Ac mae arnom ni angen eu help ar y Ddaear yn awr yn fwy na byth erioed o’r blaen, yn y dyddiau olaf hyn…
Koinchend, Koios, Koiren-Leima, Kokh-Kox, Kokidius! Rwy wedi rhoi diolch a gofyn bendith ac yn awr dyma fi’n paratoi’r Wledd Hardd yn unol â Chelddysg y Ffenics. Rwy wedi trawsnewid bwyd a diod gyffredin, gan lenwi bara a gwaed â golau bywyd a phriodoleddau dwyfol fel mai “hey-ambrosíā” a “to-néktar” ydynt bellach. Kokopelli, Kokyangwuti, Kolash, Koliada, Komus! Rwy wedi cael fy ngwala ohonynt, ac yn awr wedi syrffedu ac wedi meddwi’n ysbrydol. Trwy hyn rwy wedi rhoi fy nghnawd i’w ysu yn nhân ebargofiant, gan drawsffurfio mater yn olau a chyfnewid y daearol â’r nefol. Kon, Konand, Kondatis, Kondole, Koniraya!
“Sefyll yn erbyn y Swynwr y mae’r hurfilwyr, lluoedd y gwrthsafiad, y Delw-addolwyr Dioglyd Dirifedi, Arolygwyr Anawdurdodol Anochel y Nw Yrth, o dan y lluman coch, carpiog, yn Ampwlish, y tu hwnt i’r Llyn Gesynus ar Gyfandir Gogleddol y Byd. Rwy wedi dysgu bod y Delw-addolwyr yn mynnu teyrnged ormodol ond na roddan nhw ddim byd ond difancoll yn y pen draw. Oherwydd hyn, nid oes ganddynt nifer helaeth o ddisgyblion go iawn ac eithrio ychydig siamaniaid, lloerigion, artistiaid, a dewiniaid sy’n prancio'n ddiedifar, gan mai’r Hen Feistri fydd yn eu gwobrwyo â choronau llawryf am eu pennau mewn ebargofiant. Ond maen nhw’n ffynnu ar bob diferyn o anhrefn, ac amheuaeth, y mymryn lleiaf o anufudd-dod ac annibyniaeth sy’n eu bwydo nhw. Ac mae'n nhw'n lluosogi'n fwyfwy cyflym bellach. A dyna pam y bydd rhaid imi weithio mor galed i’w rhwystro nhw…
Konjin, Konohanasakuya-Hime, Konsus, Konthoujam-Tampha-Lairembi, Kontron! Rwy’n llunio â’m dychymyg gweithredol gorff serol llachar, ei animeiddio, ei ymarfer, a’i ddisgyblu. Konvector, Koox, Kopacati, Kopé-Tiatie-Cac, Korb! Rwy’n ei hyfforddi i ganfod, i amgyffred, ac i weithredu; ei amddiffyn ag arfau hudol a swynion hynafol; dysgu iddo synnwyr braw, urddas, a pharchedig ofn; a’i lenwi â’r holl wybodaeth arbrofol fanwl yn fy llyfr hud a lledrith fel y bydd pob gweithred yn ddiragrith ac yn gorlifo o ddealltwriaeth a phŵer. O ganlyniad, gogoneddus ydy pob rhan ohonof, a duwdod yn ei deml o gnawd ydwyf fi yn awr. Korouhanba, Koruae, Korybantes, Korymbus, Koschei!
“Nawr, crwydro rhwng y Ddau Fyd y mae gwas i’r Saith Swynwr o’r enw Swtach. Yr un ysbryd grymus go iawn ymysg y lluoedd ydy, sy’n dyfeisio dryswch, creu caos, lledaenu llanastr, sibrwd sothach, ymhyfrydu yn aflendid, megino malais, a gwancio gwaed. Pan fyddaf yn edrych arno, byddaf yn gweld glaslanc anafus, delwedd dialedd, a’i groen yn llawn chwysigod, ac mae ganddo gyrn a charnau gafraidd, cynffon gringoch, afaelgar, a llygaid yn hollol ddu fel diemwntau creulon. Bydd yn gwisgo lifrai milwrol, racsiog, wedi’i liwio’n wyrdd brith, ac wrth iddo gyfareddu, bydd yn trafod ei arfau uffernol, sef twca danheddog, esgyrn wedi’u hogi, a chrochan o fustl berwedig. Rwy wedi derbyn ei gymorth sawl gwaith hyd yn hyn, ac mae wedi dod â chyfarwyddiadau ar sut i agor y porth i’r Nw Yrth…
Kostroma, Kosuneae, Kosus, Kotan-kar-Kamuy, Kothar-wa-Khasis! Felly, rwy’n ennill dawn teithio serol, gan symud drwy gyfrwng fy nychymyg wedi’i allanoli yn ôl ac ymlaen, i fyny ac i lawr, at yr ochr, a llwrw fy mhen. Ac yn fuan fe groesaf Afon Cofio ac Anghofio, ac arnofio ym Môr Marw a Byw. Kotharat, Kotoshironushi, Kotys, Koubru, Koujeng-Leima! Ehangir fy nirnadaeth a pherffeithir fy neall trwy gyfranogi o athrylith yr endidau ansylweddol yn heigio’r tu mewn a’r tu allan, wrth i’w canu alaethus ddod yn gyfeiliant cyson i’m meddwl. Koumbasara, Koumen, Kounu, Koventina, Koyash!
“Trwy adrodd y swyngan briodol, wedi’i hysgrifennu’n wreiddiol mewn symbolau byw o dân ar waliau’r temlau mwyaf hynafol, ac yn y Llawlyfr Hud a Lledrith colledig o’r enw ‘Ar gyfer Fy Nuwiau Mawr Oll’ rwy wedi’i ddarganfod wrth deithio, rwy wedi gorfodi Swtach i fynd amgylch ogylch i ddarganfod gwybodaeth er fy mwyn. Felly y gallaf fi, yr Hen Filwr – a ail-grëir gan Khepri a thywysir gan Karna, mab gordderch i Kunti, a Kumbhakarna, sy’n traflynci mwncïod – ymddwyn fel yr Arglwydd Krishna sy’n ymgaru â’r holl Fyd. Fe fyddaf yn ennyn y sarff Kundalini, sy’n gorwedd yn dorchau yn y fflamau tragwyddol, allan o’i chwsg…
Koyllur, Kratos, Kreiddylad, Kreidhne, Kreios! Wele fi’n lloffa ac amsugno gemau o wybodaeth lawn a manwl gywir ynglŷn â daeargoel, darogan, ieithoedd annaearol, llyfrddewiniaeth, sêr-ddewiniaeth, a’r swynion mwyaf nerthol; am y pedair elfen glasurol, am saith planed yr hynafiaid, am ddau arwydd ar ddeg y Sidydd, ac am ddwy lythyren ar hugain yr abjad Fretheg. Kreirwy, Krepitus, Kresnik, Krishna, Krishnasura! Rwy’n dod o hyd i Fap Cyfnewidiol y Ddau Fyd yn hongian ar gangen uchaf Pren y Bywyd, fel y gallaf gynllunio’r daith o Fyd Mater Diriaethol i Fro Undod Ysbrydol. Krodo, Krom-Kruach, Kronos, Krouga, Krougeae!
“O’r herwydd, datgelir imi gan Shakti a Shiva hen ddirgelion y wain a’r cleddyf, y lingam a’r yoni, y crib a’r golofn; ac fe ddysgaf fi gyfrinachau’r wy a’r had. Ond bydd arnaf angen gofalu rhag ofn imi ddatgan y geiriau â nam, gan mai methu fydd yn golygu tynged waeth nag angau. Ond ni phallaf fi byth wrth imi ddyfalbarhau i siantio geiriau’r Ddefod – ‘Atsetop Oe’! Ac o’r diwedd, bydd pawb yn dal i fyw ar y Ddaear yn llawenhau, pan fyddant wedi’u golchi a’u glanhau hefyd, â gwaed, a dagrau a thân…
Krsnik, Kshatra-Vairya, Kshetrapat, Ku’urkil, Kuachag! Fe ddisgynnaf felly yn y cerbyd erchyll ac arno olwynion fflamllyd tuag at y palasau uffernol. Yn y palas cyntaf, dysgaf sut i farnu trwy glywed arogleuon, sut i weld heb lygaid, a sut i gyfrif trwy gyfrwng lliwiau a dirgryniadau. Yn yr ail balas, dof yn gyfarwydd â gwirioneddau anhraethol. Kuara, Kubaba, Kubai, Kubikubi, Kudaai! Yn y trydydd palas, eisteddaf fi tra sefyll pob un arall. Yn y pedwerydd palas, ysgrifennaf ar Femrwn Gwybodaeth Drwg a Da. Yn y pumed palas, amsugnaf oraclau cysegr-lân ynglŷn â hynt a helynt yr Holl Fyd. Yn y chweched palas, purir fi mewn afon o dân, a dof fi’n ifanc am byth. Yn y seithfed palas, fe safaf fi ar ris isaf yr Orsedd Felltigedig. Kudokuten, Kuebiko, Kuhimana, Kuino, Kuinua-Mama!
“A nawr, dyma fi’n breuddwydio mai baban heb ei eni dw i, sy’n bodoli ar ffurf ymwybod glân wedi’i ddilladu â chnawd. Ar fy mhen fy hunan dw i, yn berwi gan ddryswch, mewn croth ble dw i’n rhaglennu system gyfrifiadurol, gynhenid y Byd. Nesaf, dyna fi’n dihuno fel rhyw gachgi wedi’i wlychu gan waed, a daflwyd yn ddiswta i fforest ffiaidd i’w ddistryw. A Jack Procter dw i, a’i ddisgybl Dai Baxter, David – Ivan, a’i fab Daud – dw i’m yn byw, ond dw i’m wedi marw ‘chwaith – ac eto, yn seler fy mwthyn ac ym medd hynafol y Dewin, sef Tŷ Aileni, llawn cysgodion dw i hefyd. Achos, yn ôl y pennill yn ‘Cyfrinachau'r Gelfyddyd Dduaf’ – ‘Mae f'enaid wedi'i agor bellach, i'w gelu yn y gwrthrych rwy'n ei ddymuno. F'aberth fydd f'anfarwoldeb.’…
Kuitikuiti, Kukunochi, Kukurihime-no-Kami, Kuladevata, Kulhwch! Wrth i lu’r Isfyd lafarganu’r litani driphlyg – “kshathí, khlothé, kchutha” – “blodeuo, edwino, trengi” – myfi a esgyn i ben yr Orsedd Gythreulig aruthrol. Myfi a draidd yno drwy’r Llenni Dieflig wedi’u brodio â hanes yr Holl Fyd sy’n gwahanu’r Cosmos Dirnadwy oddi wrth y Caos Annisgrifiadwy. Ac wedyn, fe’m trawsffurfir yn endid angylaidd yn bodoli mewn trefn hollol wahanol bod y tu hwnt i fywyd a marwolaeth. Kulla, Kumakatok, Kuman-Thong, Kumarbi, Kumbhanda! Ac wedyn, Mthathro Henohi, Tywysog yr Enw Mawr a Rhaglyw’r Saith Bro Dywyllaf fyddaf fi, a fydd yn anrhydeddus, gogoneddus, rhyfeddol, arswydus, ac aethus. Bydd fy ngïau a’m haelodau’n dân; f’esgyrn yn lo tanbaid; f’aeliau yn fellt; pelenni fy llygaid yn ffaglau; fy ngwallt, fy nghnawd, a’m hanfod ei hun yn fflam. Ac fel hyn, fe lwyddaf i gymuno a chyfathrebu â’r Deallusrwydd Anwybodadwy cyn ei dawelu. Kunapipi, Kuninotokotachi, Kunomaglus, Kuntī, Kupalo!
“Erbyn hyn mae Amser Cystudd ar fedr cyrraedd o bellafoedd y gwagle er mwyn newid ein hen Ddaear yn gyfan gwbl, gan adael holl Fyd heddiw ar ôl. Ac fe ddaw popeth i ben mewn coelcerth enfawr; ac fe lysg y cyfan yn wenfflam; ac fe lyncir pob dim gan fflam; ac fe’m serir â’r Sêl Ysgarlad, wynias; ac fe ddiddymir camweddau’r Byd gan afon o waed; a’r pryd hwn y bydd pob math o artaith yn dechrau ar gyfer y rhai fydd yn ei haeddu. Felly y cychwynna bodolaeth fod, a dechreua’r bod hwn fodoli drachefn. A dyma fi’n bloeddio’r geiriau olaf – ‘Mifares Leiro’ – Hen Dad yr Awyr, O Fam Fawr, Dywyll, yn eich dwylo chi dw i’n rhoi f’ysbryd! I mewn i’r gwacter dirfawr, gwag — lle yr amnewidir tynerwch, cydymffurfiad, maddeuant, bendith am leufer, ffosffor, fflworoleuedd, cannwyll — fi —"
Kupid, Kupra, Kur, Kura, Kuraokami! Myfi a fydd yn deifio i gefnfor cyfrin trawsffurfio. Myfi a ysbeilia drysorfa gwrthwynebau cosmig. Myfi a ysir gan eiddgarwch eschatolegol. Myfi fydd llaw dde’r Pŵer Cosmig a hebrynga’r apocalyps i mewn. Myfi a dawdd holl sylwedd dirwedd yn hylif eirias, fel marmor yn troi’n ddŵr berw. Kurdaitcha, Kuretes, Kus, Kushinadahime, Kushukh! Myfi a aildrefna seiniau’r Enw Cyfrin sydd wedi creu a chynnal yr Holl Fyd. Myfi a addysga’r greadigaeth wrth i fi ei distrywio. Myfi a ddarostynga’r rhai aruchel a’r rhai distadl, eu chwipio â fflangell danbaid, ac anfon eu hysbrydion gyda’r casgliad pensyfrdanol o fodau anweledig i ddioddef byth bythoedd mewn carchar fflamllyd tragwyddol, a hwythau’n ymbil am drugaredd na fydd fyth yn dod. Kuslanus, Kutka, Kuzuryū, Kuíxīng, Kvasir!
Ac yn seler y bwthyn, sydd debycach, efallai, i dŵr rhithiol o asgwrn, dyna ffrwydro llithriad ebrwydd o sain, o ugain herts i ugain mil o herts yn ddigon bron i dorri tympanau clustiau. Dyna ddilyn saib o'r fath a ddisgrifir mewn nofelau graffig – gohirio disgwylgar – ac wedyn – gollwng – dirybudd – fel tswnami. Ac wedi agor y porth, dyna’r Hen Filwr yn ymbaratoi am wahodd y Saith Swynwr i ddod drwyddo gan ddefnyddio gweddill y Ddefod Wysio, yn cynnwys y geiriau priodol, y teclynnau arferol, a’r ystumiau i gyd. Mae wedi ysgrifennu ei ewyllys olaf. Ac mae wrth ei fodd o gredu y bydd yn ennill y wobr derfynol maes o law, wrth iddo yfed y coctel o gyffuriau, ond nid yw'n sbliff mwf drwg, dew dros ben, a gwydraid siampên Volahnjé, lled oer (un radd Celsius ar ddeg yw’r tymheredd delfrydol), i’w chanlyn, ond rhywbeth sy’n llai chwaethus o lawer.
Yn enwau Kwase-Benefo, Kweku-Tsin, Kwoth, Kyamites, Kybele! Yn olaf y gwysiaf y Saith Thelohofo, y Saith Hen Feistri, y Saith Delkvoví, y Saith Zv-m’lkvo, y Saith Swynwr Seraffaidd, y Saith Kulí·vá. Myn Kydoimos, Kyirey, Kymidei-Kymeinfoll, Kyrbas, Kyzaghan! Fe fyddaf yn eu rhwymo, eu hintegreiddio'n un cyfanbeth unigryw, a chymryd meddiant o'u dyfeisgarwch, eu cyfrwyster, eu nerth, eu disgyblaeth, eu hewyllys diwyro, eu hanhrugaredd, a’u herchyllter, yn llwyr, yn annatod, unwaith ac am byth! Nid gras a fydd. Nid euogrwydd a fydd. Nid petrusiad a fydd. Myfi a wna fel y mynnaf. Myfi a lunia’r deddfau. Drwy fy ngeiriau y’u cyhoeddir – felly drwy fy ngweithredoedd y dônt i rym! Fy Llais Trallodus a atseinia drwy amser a’r gofod hyd eithaf yr Holl Fyd i ddadwneud ac ail-greu. Bid i Kāma-Kalā, Kāmohoaliʻi, Kāne, Kōjin, Kū dystio i hyn!
Wedi methu cyflawni’r aberth gofynnol o ddau fywyd diwerth, mewn gwrthdrawiad fan y tro cyntaf, pan oedd fel pe baent wedi’u diogelu gan darian hudol na allai fe dorri drwyddi ar y pryd er ei ymdrechion cryfaf, mae wedi gorfod creu’n fyrfyfyr o ran sawl elfen o'r seremoni hon. A chreadigol iawn a fuodd e, heb fymryn o amheuaeth. Mae'n dra ymwybodol o'i fethiannau fyrdd a'i ddiffygion oll, a'r ffeithiau hyn sydd wedi ysgogi'i araith angerddol ond dryslyd. Ond er gwaethaf ei obeithion dyfnaf, ei ddisgyblaeth lem, a'i ewyllys haearn, am ryw reswm neu'i gilydd, ni all beidio â'i ddychmygu'i hun wrth i’w fywyd truenus bron yn treio. Dyna fe wedi’i drywanu i farwolaeth â phensiliau ym mheli’r llygaid – a dyna’i ben yn ffrwydro – a dyna’i waed yn byrlymu ac yn tasgu – a dyna’i hoedl seithug yn bedyddio mangre dychweliad y Mab Darogan. Ac wrth i’r hunllef anwahoddedig ddatblygu yn ei ben, mae’n clywed y Llais Trallodus mae wedi’i alw ar ddamwain o’r Tu Hwnt, sy’n rhan ac eto heb fod yn rhan ohono’n dal i balu’i hanner gwirioneddau persain, twyllodrus a'u darlledu trwy’r awyr ludiog ac allan i’r Byd Bregus.