I am not an expert in either Extinct Urthic nor what we might dub “Ultramodern Yerthish” (and Fred Llwynlesg’s no authority, either, I hasten to add, despite all his protestations otherwise!). I have neither the time nor the inclination to master these tongues at the present time. However, I have come to understand through hard slog and personal inspiration as much as the next Wizard of what I like to think of as “Classical Yrthian.” I present here a brief analysis so that the interested reader may get a feel of what this enchanting language is like in general.
I now go on to translate various phrases and sentences and provide a gloss on their structure and syntax. The “verbal particles” (see below) indicate the tense and aspect of actions and conditions (the ones in blue are instantiated in the examples that follow).
The “pronominal particles” (see below) function as variants of pronouns (the ones in green are instantiated in the examples that follow).
Here, the following abbreviated notation is used for the language’s various syntactic features (see below).
Note that not all of the features in the three tables above occur in the examples below. I have nevertheless included the full terminology for completeness. A glossary is provided below:
First, let us consider some short phrases to illustrate the definite article, pluralization, the genitive construction, and postpositional particles. (1) “Alré Kineltien hlí” (“DEF-PL pine under” = “Under the Pines”). (2) “A Zethlizvlé the Klantíaré hré” (“DEF-SNG snake POS secret-PL about” = “Regarding the Secrets of the Snake”). (3) “A Davuth-e-Kanu” (“DEF-SNG sun-POS-song” = “The Sunsong”).
(4) “A Davuth vwn a huazlé shé. Vle-samalé nesh lír vl’avodin-mi vinez altur nanez lír lisepí vlemi vwn evl’asísta lír” (“DEF-SNG sun PAST-POST DEF-SNG begin in. REV-SUBJ~alone PAST-IMP & REV-SUBJ~wrap~REV-OBJ PAST-PREF thought inside & understand REV-STEM PAST-POST REV-OBL~self &” = “There was, in the beginning, the Sun. And He was alone, and wrapped in thought, and knowing only Himself”).
And now I’ll introduce some longer utterances. These come from (5) “A Kaelé Lirtesta the Venéré Selaslé a Laíalé Listí the Kulréré Are lír” (“DEF world old POS day-PL final DEF one new POS thing-same-PL first &” = “The Last Days of the Old World and the First of the New One”).
(6) “Tikana lak Elena-the-suvulé hlath ak Alsalaré-th-elteska; Sinez asniré simerí lalrek Alsalinté Ruelna Hesantil lír” (“disrupt DEF-SNG moon-POS-vessel FUT-IMP DEF-SNG star~PL-POS~assemble; FUT-PREF weep weep DEF-PL star happy seven &” = “The chariot of the Moon will disturb the Zodiac; And the Pleiades will truly weep”).
(7) “Senthí lalrek alsalinté hlath anaif sinez luf-huilsa sontí ifilté lír; Istí tiemith ‘Dhavuth-e-vrisla zwn ak Alsalintéoha the vrisla vosta slé” (“move DEF-PL star FUT-IMP away-from~3-ANIM-OBL FUT-PREF 3-ANIM-SUBJ-hide path 3-ANIM-OBL~self &; become blot-out R(1)~sun~POS-light [*] FUT-POST DEF-SNG mercury POS light sheen by-means” = “The stars will turn away from them and will obscure their course; The light of the Sun will be eclipsed by the silvery light of Mercury”). [*] “R(1)” represents the presence of a “reduction mutation, degree 1” due to the omission of the definite particle “a” before “Davuth” (“Sun”). That is, “A Davuth = ‘Dhavuth” = “DEF-SNG Sun.”
(8) “Isthahlu aldesaaré hlath amulo sinez huslé suleha lak Elsisa Dé thlí lír; Sinez hisié sirelaré daloldraré hisié daloldraré zwn sirelaré lír” (“wither plant-PL FUT-IMP cultivate FUT-PREF go-away water DEF-SNG Eyrth middle off &; FUT-PREF become root-PL branch-PL become branch-PL root-PL FUT-POST &” = “Crops will wither away and water will disappear from the Eyrth; Roots will turn into branches, and branches become roots”).
(9) “Hisié edanspísh a Thihrulo hlath zukhekh slé sinez luf-droukulu la Koralo lak Elsisa Dé plí lír; Pikekí marklu zwn nelkí af’ekaru rolinas” (“become intoxicate DEF-SNG thihrulo FUT-IMP wine by-means FUT-PREF 3-ANIM-SUBJ~forget DEF-SNG heaven DEF-SNG Eyrth middle in-front-of &; refrain everything FUT-POST perform 3-INAN-OBL~function soon” = “Mankind will get drunk on wine and forget Heaven in favour of Eyrth; Soon everything will cease to accomplish its function”).
(10) “Palpvonu lak Ari·adní hlath iltéfi dura ifpalperi blé rolinas; Sinez prala la Davuth e zonvrizaré th-ayldriza lalré lintlu” (“lock DEF-SNG ari·adní FUT-IMP self-3-ANIM-OBJ door 3-ANIM-OBL~close behind soon; FUT-PREF rise-up DEF-SNG sun POS ray-PL POS-shock DEF-PL sea” = “Ari·adní will soon lock herself behind her closed door; The Sun’s rays’ shock will lift up the seas”).
(11) “Prala rumularé simera th-andlizí hlath nusilé; Lasda sinez hesilistíaré istí sulta telvu’fw zwn alrek alsalinté isaré lír” (“rise-up time-PL ancient POS-dust FUT-IMP again; fight FUT-PREF blow-PL become lose noise~3-INAN-OBL FUT-POST DEF-PL star among &” = “The dust of ancient times will rise up again; Winds will clash and their din will be lost among the stars”).
I must say that I do know all about the language properly called “Primal Urthic.” In order to elucidate, I shall introduce some additional abbreviations. NOM = “nominative”; ACC = “accusative”; GEN = “genitive”; ABL = “ablative”; AGR = “agreement” case; ACT = “active.” The first example is the Procter family motto, alluded to by my sly old knave of a brother, Jack, although he quoted only the first two lines.
The second example is: (ii) “Sorakahu Iznélí”(“spell-DEF-SNG-NOM make-INDEF-SNG-GEN” = “The Charm of Making”) quoted by Frederick Llwynlesg. The glossary is given below.
The spell runs: (iii) “Shezesista-duí sivuva-mu, soraka-hohé klilté-dí krinsa-zuhí hílé, elaté-dolé izné-mí elí-ruí” (“snake-DEF-SNG-GEN breath-DEF-SNG-NOM, spell-AGR(1a) death-INDEF-SNG-GEN life-AGR(2a) &, prediction-AGR(1b) make-INDEF-SNG-GEN REV-SNG~DEF-SNG-GEN” = “Serpent’s breath, charm of death and life, Your omen of making”). If only the other characters in this extravaganza had comprehended the importance of the wind imperturbable – and been able to ride it – to inhale it and exhale it – perhaps they would have been here now, and been competent to write this note.
We have a most musical language here, so I’m grabbing the baton and conducting the last movement. Especially as no-one else has a clue about this enigmatic form of expression that flows like a burbling stream! It is so wonderful for glossolalia and technoglossy – mentalism and phaneronics – the others don’t know the half of it! I’ll start with some phrases (a glossary with some [notes] follows).
(A) “A Thafathī Haina” (“DEF sun POS song” = “The Sunsong”). (B) “The a Thafathi hafā huale ina. Sana, fathe thu ina ipa hafa, lisipa ipa zisafa sana” (“exist DEF sun DEF PAST beginning IN. alone, wrap thought in same PAST, comprehend same self-PAST alone” = “There was, in the beginning, the Sun. And He was alone, and wrapped in thought, and knowing only Himself”). (C) “A Sesiha i Hathē li ri” (“DEF snake POS secret PL ABOUT” = “Regarding the Secrets of the Snake”). (D) “A sesiha i sifufa, a lithe rira lirī soraha, a leli felī elu i rinau” (“DEF snake POS breath, DEF death life POS spell, DEF 2-SNG REV-SNG POS make POS omen” = “Serpent’s breath, charm of death and life, Your omen of making”).
And now I present some examples of complete sentences taken from: (E) “A Laha Lithia i Fenē li Ehe a Laia Lizethī Lupesi eli Are hila” (“DEF world old POS day PL final DEF one new POS thing-same PL first &” = “The Last Days of the Old World and the First of the New One”). An indicative glossary is given below.
(F) “Thihanā Elena i safale ā Lisali elinu i elea; Aseni sinire ā Lisali eli Rouena Ria hunu hila” (“disrupt DEF moon POS vessel DEF star PL~FUT POS assemble; weep weep DEF star happy seven FUT &” = “The chariot of the Moon will disturb the Zodiac; And the Pleiades will truly weep”).
(G) “Senethi ā lisali elinu ai uilesi a elinu i sona hila; Thiliei ā Lasalioha i firisila posā Thafathinu i firisila” (“move DEF star PL these-FUT FROM hide DEF these-FUT POS path &; blot-out DEF mercury POS light silver DEF sun-FUT POS light” = “The stars will turn away from them and will obscure their course; The light of the Sun will be eclipsed by the silvery light of Mercury”).
(H) “Isesalu alethesi eli anile hunu huza sulu a Ezisenu Thia thera hila; Isa hirē li erilanu elī sa erila eli hirenu eli hila” (“wither plant PL cultivate FUT go-away water DEF Eyrth-FUT middle FROM &; become root PL branch-FUT PL become branch root-FUT PL &” = “Crops will wither away and water will disappear from the Eyrth; Roots will turn into branches, and branches become roots”).
(I) “Izasi a Thehelo hunu thanasefisi suhehesī la thoualu eli a Lithanu a Ezisenu Thia ie hila; Pi luna nae hunu neli a eī eri rolapi” (“become DEF thehelo FUT intoxicate wine BY-MEANS-OF forget these DEF heaven-FUT DEF Eyrth middle BEFORE; refrain thing every FUT perform DEF it POS fucntion soon” = “Mankind will get drunk on wine and forget Heaven in favour of Eyrth; Soon everything will cease to accomplish its function”).
(J) “Palapafonu Arianithī thenu ā zise i thura palaperi rolapi; Parai a Thafathī sonufelisi elī alatherisā lininu eli” (“lock Arianithi self-FUT DEF self POS door closed BEHIND soon; rise-up DEF sun POS ray PL POS shock DEF sea-FUT PL” = “Arianithi will soon lock herself behind her closed door; The Sun’s rays’ shock will lift up the seas”).
(K) “Parai a rumulu eli sipera i anathelizi hunu nusile; Lasa hesilia eli hunu isā elī ipe hunu zuthā alisali elī le hila” (“rise-up DEF time PL ancient POS dust FUT again; fight wind PL FUT become DEF these POS noise FUT lose DEF star PL AMONG &” = “The dust of ancient times will rise up again; Winds will clash and their din will be lost among the stars”).
I’m sorry, Gertrude – Graymjayld – but my turn now – you amazing, filthy beasts – my surrogate children – my lovers, my pets, my slaves – at long last! It’s so problematic trying to enjoy life’s minor diversions when one’s surrounded by such uncouth – individuals – as the inmates here in the Apelethothu Ecumenical Instructive Establishment for Over-Anthropoids! Even grinning (or grimacing) makes one’s mūsculus zygomaticus maior — ache! Anyway, one has to work with the material one has to hand, and I wish to complete the story. I (like my Father, the Unlucky Warrior), just feel like leaving some record for whatever posterity might arrive to look on my mighty works (or words) and be amazed. (Ooh, I do hate hyperbole like a hole in the head!).
Below, I give a side-by-side comparison of the equivalent words of the only remaining part of the Oldest and Strongest Spell of Naming and Binding, in the three different languages. The words in Neoteric Erethizi are the ones which proved most fruitful in the Great Work.
It turns out old the silly old coot Mamrick’s auguries weren’t too far off the mark in terms of the form of the Neoteric words of the Charm at least, even though he didn’t appreciate in the slightest what he was channelling. However, he intuited (incorrectly to start with) that the script was alphabetic and had no idea how to transliterate, interpret, or pronounce the sounds so represented. In short, his half-baked insight was a just flash of useless beauty. I've done the work of providing a key to his clumsy fumbling below.
It was me who captured the syllables as they changed from Primal, to Transitional, to Neoteric. And it was me who re-cast the mystical sounds to mean what I judged to be right and proper at the time. In fact, the final text involves a syllabary (rather than an alphabet). Moreover, the majority of the words are unique (they are “hápax legómena” – thanks, Gertrude!), which made interpretation extremely hard. (Once again, Mamrick was not totally incorrect in his guesses as to the form of the reconfigured material in the end. However, he was in truth able to provide no reasonable gloss whatsoever on the meaning of these symbols as far as I know, despite devoting quite some time trying, the poor thing. But I do love that crazy llama anyway!) The two versions of the text used in the Esoteric Eisegesis of the Ensorcellment are compared below, together with the correct syllabary.
There follows a transliteration of the glyphs of the full text into Pretanic characters, together with a colour-coded analysis. I’ve used the following terms here: BE = “be / is / was /will-be / exist”; INT = “intensive”; POS = “possessive”; NEG = “negative”; DO = “action-marker.”
I must admit that I did actually publish the true version as soon as I – came across – the appropriate (or at least the most pragmatically useful) meaning. I knew there would be no point at all in holding back once the deluge got underway and the charm’s original power began to wane. The magic didn’t stand still from the moment it was released, and even now it continues to mutate. Who knows where it’ll end up? And making the signs public in fact prevents malignant mages from seizing and stashing the sigils and soaking up their secret strength.
I have been irresistibly drawn to make a note about the beloved Illuric tongue of my Homeland in the Shadowiest Heart of the Continent. Here, I summarize the Rwnic Script, and present an analysis of two pieces together with a glossary of some relevant and interesting words. In the Rwnen, the “long-H” is used on its own, and “short-H” with other letters to indicate sounds such as “DH / GH / KH / SH / TH / ZH”. The characters “Y” and “Í” in the Pretanic transcription represent the same sound (and the same rwn) – “Y” is used in diphthongs, and “Í” otherwise. In Illuric, various words are used as “auxiliaries”. For instance, “be” (“kha”) indicates the present tense; “past + be” (“thi kha”) is the past tense; “future + be” (“zhle kha”) is the future tense. Other words can be added for shades of meaning. The word “command” (“pra”) makes a statement into an imperative. The word “vre” is used as an intensifier.
I know that young Elfan didn’t think much of my ideas relating to the alphabet and later on the syllabary that came to me after I’d experienced yet another vision lying prostrate in front of the cauldron of green brass. Well, I’ll admit that the symbols aren’t an alphabet (although that is how they were revealed to me at first), and indeed that for ages I had no clue about the pronunciation or meaning of the original words of the Oldest and Strongest Charm of Naming and Binding. But I persisted, and found a correspondence between my ancient pictograms, the syllabary, and the sounds – it’s based on the language of the Enchantress Lenre Veka’s “Salutations of the Seven Numinous Names” (see below). Note that four of the later syllabograms (in the green row) lack a corresponding primal glyph (in the blue row).
The “Seven Numinous Names” and my analysis of their mystical significance follow below.
Following my success with the Salutation, I applied this alternative (and, in my opinion, much less ad-hoc than Elfan’s) syllabary to the representation of the Oldest and Strongest Charm in my glyphs. My efforts yielded the following transcription. I give an interpretation and a more detailed analysis below.
Here, I shall only present the unadorned details – best as I can – and leave you to decide for yourselves about the source and significance of this material. I have one comment, however, that I must share with you. One can understand that it would not be possible for such elevated and extraordinary beings as the Telok-vovim to bring themselves to communicate through a medium so debased and impure as human language. But, despite that, it is obvious that they were very keen to convey their messages in a beautiful, unambiguous and energetic way that Iancu Āter would manage to interpret clearly and quickly, without too much trouble. I’m reminded here for some reason of the texts of the Old Books and their stunningly important and relevant teachings, expressed in the most colourful language. That’s why the structure of the Telok-vovim’s discourse is so remarkably similar to Ilknish, probably – although the vocabulary is totally different. (There is not the same correspondence with Kimbric, but of course the Magus didn’t speak a word of the “heavenly tongue” as far as we know.) The alphabet used by Āter (which has a one-to-one correspondence with Ilknish characters), and some important “particles,” are given below.
An Exploratory Note – D B Procter
I should add here that the Atrōx Doctor actually used a fuller version of the alphabet – as G.Ll. well knows – in the Thuhlo Squares, and elsewhere (see below).
The name of these characters is “Li Onkolza Unkevu” (“The Mighty AZ”) in the language of Khan·ōkh. They were also used on occasions to represent the tongues of the Nw Yrth and were then referred to as: “Sampiévil Lakéhí” (“The Letters of Power”), or “Sampiévil Lakíkosuhí ~ Alré Sappí Lakyo ~ A Sapa Laheho Eli” (“The Powerful Letters”). The symbols in red are used in G.Ll.’s analysis of “The Telok-vovim’s Testimony.” The ones in green occur in addition in one of the Magic Squares that arises from the unique syllables of the Oldest and Strongest Spell of Naming and Binding. The ones in blue are found in other contexts.
It is worth noting that with 24 consonants (C) and 9 vowels (V = “a, e, é, i, í, o, u, w, y”), one can write 216 syllables of the form CV. Together with the 9 single vowels, there are 225 syllables in total. Any one of the Thuhlo Squares contains 6x6 = 36 unique syllables. Thus, even if the order of the syllables in the cells is unimportant, there are about 700 duodecillion combinations (that is, Squares), or exactly:
For any one of the Thuhlo Squares, the number of words that can be produced by catenating syllables is extraordinarily large. As an illustration of how such accounting can be done, consider just four distinct syllables (A, B, C, D). These can be sampled to give a total of 64 words as follows:
If P(N,k) is used to represent the number of words arising from ordered arrangements of k syllables drawn from N total syllables (the number of permutations), then the sum-total of these words is given by the formula:
Now consider the “upper incomplete gamma-function,” defined as:
If a = N + 1 is an integer, and x = 1, we have:
This means that:
This result can be written in terms of the “floor function,” to produce Hrivolègwr Tshungsuhk’s “Other Interesting Formula”:
For the 36-element Square, W(36) is about 1 tredecillion. The exact value is:
To get some idea of the magnitude of this quantity, consider the following: the mass of all the stars in our galaxy is about 1 tredecillion hg. This permutation process could be repeated to generate all possible unique “sentences,” from those containing 1 word, up to those containing all W(36) of the words. The sum-total of all these sentences is, W(W(36)) – a truly unimaginable number! You should also remember that we have been considering only one out of a vast number of Squares here. There are in fact about one and a half times as many words arising from each Square than there are Squares in total.
The relevance of these observations lies in the importance of magical language when accessing and manipulating hyper-involuted mentalistically-malleable blister-verses. Here is the teaching of the Overling Tshahyek Yawd-rāngkoh on these matters. (Since this is a disquisition on language, I have retained the original titles for the practitioners for the sake of completeness and clarity.) These enormous but very low-energy loci arise naturally from the substance of our reality. (Or maybe they form the raw materials – the building blocks – of it, as it were.) Despite their internal size, the no-spaces ae curled up so tightly due to their lack of innate vitality that they nestle inside our cosmos like immensely knotted strings, touching it only infrequently at sparse and very special points.
The phenomenal number of possibilities bound up in the syllables, words and sentences of the magical languages is responsible for their ability to open doors to these dimensions. The Adeptus’ (“tsharòvnyík”) enunciations provide a conduit through which power can pour from our over-stuffed world into the quasi-vacuum, under his control. In addition to that, the incantations represent an analytic method for creating discernible pathways to get into the unreal worlds. The mantras allow the Charmweaver (“varázhló”) to travel through the shapeless zones, act on them, and create in them according to his own ideas and in his own image. He stays in one place in our “exterior” Universe (although in general he is completely undetectable), whilst the non-places form and unfurl around him.
Indeed, the Worldwright (“vwerkho”) can exercise great power there, and so his actions will appear “uncanny” or “magical” to those who do not know any better. Nevertheless, it is essential for him to tailor the utterances constantly, choosing the correct accentuation, modulating the intonation, and imbuing them with the meanings necessary to sustain himself and the world and to effect his desired results at every instant. Some naïve fools have attempted to manage the torrential linguistic efflux required to maintain the secondary reality solely through their own raw talent and unregulated effort. They have usually been destroyed by their untamed creations with a huge release of energy. Others have used “organic” means, spawning living music which evolves spontaneously by interacting with the environment it itself helps to create. This is a truly beautiful, but highly frustrating and potentially frighteningly unpredictable and destructive path to tread. I myself have favoured the devising of computational engines to regulate the development and actualization of the requisite generative vocalizations, with considerable success. One might say that the first practitioner, the tyro, is an immature ragamuffin who fails to put aside childish things and is consumed by them. He deserves his ignominious fate. The second is like a clueless martyr who desires to suffer a kind of noble but premature and wasteful self-immolation, by all accounts. A saint such as this should be chastised before his peers, and severely punished. But the third is a harsh master; a fearless explorer, a peerless opificer: the only one who will survive, and conquer, and build.
Achieving one’s goals in the non-world brings its own critical drawbacks, too, however. If – and only if – the opening ceremony starts to succeed completely from the very outset, it will be almost too easy to cross the threshold and slip into the alternate dimensions. But much harder is returning, under any circumstances. First, the Bewitcher’s (“dzhádhúgar”) own productions will tend to be nigh on irresistibly – and mortally – alluring to him. The better his crafting, the more tightly he will be bound to it and to the imaginary place. Secondly, since the vacant locus is so low in energy, it will persist in sucking life-force from the Warlock (“bíyí-dzhí”), imperceptibly but inexorably, integrating him more and more until his consciousness evanesces and becomes part of the fabric of the locale. Thus, the would-be Wondersmith (“gharasha”) must always be wary, must restrain his artifice, and must force himself to dissociate regularly from his handiwork – lest he drown in stupendous inventiveness. For all the words in creation will avail him naught if such a disaster befall him, as existence dissolves in Tshhyawtan tow-Líthow’s gnomic complaints: “What is ‘what’? – What is ‘truth’? – What is ‘is’?”.
The glyphs from the “sacroscript” (“Ispet Tiw Bakhw-reswi”) of the Hawkish Hegemon of the South-eastern Steppes can be analysed as follows. Below, “V” shows the spoken “vocalization”; “B” the “basic glyphs”; and “R” the “glyphs with repetition.”
(A) The Mantra of Transformation and Incarnation: “Kheperi kheperentw khekheperi kheprikhepera khepereni Khepri khepre. Khepereni kheperen kheprereni” – “It is I who am the creator of all that has come into existence. I came to be in the form of the god Khepri. I formed myself in the primal age using the most ancient substance.”
(B) The Charm of Rebirth: “Khepereni khepekhere kheperenet khepra. Kheperentw khepw khe khepereni khipre” – “As soon as I came to be, existence came to be. Every being came to be after I came into existence.”
Here, I try to decipher some of the “magical expressions” in the work of my cherished sister, Gertrude. Take care, however, as I’m no expert. So, you should use these only at your own risk, especially if you want to adapt them! There’s no telling what the results would be if you made a mistake and called up a stonking spell you couldn’t control! Well, there it is, I’ve told you without pickling a herring: don’t go blamin’ me if you cock everything up! [Oh, jeepers creepers! Talk about making a mare’s nest of the whole shebang and stirring up an unholy stink, the poor bamboozled beagle! I’ve had to graft like sin to patch up his misunderstandings and slip-ups before publishing these remarks. I have used the following extra abbreviations to try and clarify things: SBJN = subjunctive; REL = relative; TOP = topic, GER = gerund; PASS = passive. The names of the languages are given below. — P.M.]
(1) Slerví (“sler-ví” – “law-enforce”) [Upper Shehlrí]: (1a) “Ahath lozé ehuthoh; ahath lozé ihuth; thenulara-shé ahath!” – “One is the start of unity; one is the inception of identity; all permutations are one!” (“one start unity; one start identity; permutation-all one”). (1b) “Athehan – aluhu-lir uthu-lir – hehulah-lir – thethulah-lir – aleo aleo lana anení” – “Let them persist – both the light and the darkness – and the order – and the chaos – for ever and ever, so mote it be” (“[ath-e-han] persist-SBJN-3PL – light-and dark-and – order-and chaos-and – ever ever thus [an-e-ní] be-SBJN-3S”).
(2) Ezethiri (“ez(i)-(e)th(i)-iri” – “land-sky-sea”): (2a) “Thalapu le nuseri!” – “Let the Twilight Gates open!” (“thal(a)-apu le nus(u)-eri” – “become-wide let gates-dusk”). (2b) “Rise nu lepu la tha” – “As gravity relaxes itself” (“ris(a)-e nu lepu la tha” – “relax-SBJN with force self attract”). (2c) “Ri senu le pu latha!” – “Let the Rainbow-Bridge appear!” (“ri senu le pu latha” – “forth come let bridge rainbow”). (2d) “Lusase” – “Let there be light!” (“lusas(i)-e” – “light-SBJN”). (2e) “Nue u ini” – “All in one!” (“nue u ini” – “all one in”). (2f) “Thulo thefe” – “Let creative darkness develop!” (“thu-lo thef(a)-e” –”dark-create develop-SBJN”). (2g) “Zeha thifa” – “Let holy disorder rule!” (“z(a)-e-ha thi-fa”– “be-SBJN-rule disorder-holy”). (2h) “Thahe!” – “May life live!” (“tha-(e)h(i)-e” – “live-life-SBJN”). (2i) “Falu holo fiha e” – “Split, O Cosmic Rift!” (“falu hol(o)-o fiha-e” – “rift cosmic-VOC split-SBJN”).
(3) Zawan Vazli Novw (“Tongue Vazlate New”): (3a) “Án ágházo mi-shwd!” – “It is begun!” (“án ágház-o mi-shwd” – “DEM begin-GER IMP-{be-PRES-3S}”). This would often be complemented by (3b) “Án támámo mi-shwd!” – “It is finished!” (“án támám-o mi-shwd” – “DET end-GER IMP-{be-PRES-3S}”).
(4) Zlewrí (“zlew-rí” – “peace-share”) [Lower Shehlrí]: “U-thuhula na-hetha – haluheh-ril, halutheth-ril – ín-ena ana-loela” – “The master who serves – both demolishing and building – is honoured in the people” (“u-thuhul(u)-a na-hetha – haluheh-ril, halutheth-ril – ín-en(i)-a a-na-loela” – “REL-serve-PRES DEF-master – demolish-and build-and – PASS-honour-PRES among-DEF-people”).